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Angkor Wat, Krong Siem Reap, Cambodia

Cambodia joined PAGE as a new partner country in 2022. The programme will run over a period of five years, including a six-months to one-year inception phase. Cambodia has embraced green economy principles under the National Strategic Plan on Green Growth 2013-2030. In addition, the Royal Government of Cambodia has laid out the Cambodia Vision 2050, the Rectangular Strategy Phase IV, the National Strategic Development Plan 2019-2023, and the Cambodian Sustainable Development Goals Framework 2016-2030 with the aim of achieving upper-middle income status by 2030 while addressing social inclusion and environmental sustainability. PAGE support comes at a critical time as the government is developing its post-Covid economic recovery strategy, including a pillar dedicated to promoting a more resilient and sustainable economy. UNITAR will be acting as the main coordinating agency for the PAGE project in Cambodia.

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  1. 2024

    December – Ministry of Commerce initiates consultation to advance green trade standards in anticipation of Cambodia’s graduation from Least Developed Country status.

    November – Mr. Taing Meng Eang’s, Director of the Department of Green Economy at the Ministry of Economy, contributes to “From Vision to Practice for a Just Transition for All” at COP29;

    UNIDO representative introduces the PAGE scoping study at the Cambodia Women Entrepreneurs Day 2024 event.

    October – Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI) presents the PAGE scoping study at the Cambodia Climate Change Summit 2024.

    August – Brief of PAGE scoping study is published on Cambodia Development Resource Institute’s website.

    June – First meeting of national steering committee (NSC) and approval of biannual workplan 2024-2025;

    The Brief of PAGE scoping study for Cambodia is finalized and launched. It serves as a roadmap for policymakers and stakeholders.


  2. 2023

    November – PAGE organizes panel discussion on New Sources of Green and Inclusive Growth at the Cambodia Climate Change Summit 2023 (CCCS2023)

    October – PAGE Cambodia delegation joins Global Academy on New Frontiers for Resilient, Inclusive and Green Economic Transformation in Turin

    July – Proposals for PAGE priority workstreams

    June – Organization of the Consultative Workshop on “High Impact Thematic Areas Assessment for Inclusive Green Economy”; Participants from Ministry of Economy and Finance and CDRI complete global PAGE training programme on “Advancing a Green and Fair Economic Transformation: The role of macro-economic modelling”

    May – Official launch event of PAGE Cambodia with 100 participants; technical meeting with focal points to discuss initial draft scoping study

    April – Establishment a group of focal points assigned by line ministries to engage in PAGE implementation

    March – Organization of Focus Group Discussion to discuss green economy transition in Cambodia

    February – Letter of agreement between Cambodia Development and Resource Institute (CDRI) and UNITAR to carry out policy scoping study

    January –  National PAGE project coordinator onboarded

  3. 2022

    November – Department of Green Economy, the Ministry of Environment confirmed as PAGE Coordinating Government Institution

    October – Inception mission involving all five PAGE agencies to meet with UN Country Team, key stakeholders and funding partners; High-level session with Minister of Environment

    June – Cambodia joins PAGE, announcement PAGE side-event at the Stockholm 50+

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