Strengthening Capacity

Table of Contents
Fostering Green Economy Learning
PAGE strengthens the capacity of individuals, government, and institutions — developing expertise and enabling them to put inclusive green economy principles into practice.
Through a systemic approach to capacity development, PAGE supports both individual and institutional capacities to strengthen policymaking, cross-sectoral coordination, and stakeholder participation.
PAGE has been supporting partner countries by way of designing and implementing nationally tailored training packages and programmes on specific priority areas with the overall objective of capacity-building and awareness creation on Inclusive Green Economy.
Global Capacity Building includes the development and offer of global training and learning packages as well as providing online platforms for policy development.

PAGE results
By providing global and regional training and learning programmes, PAGE strengthens the capacity of individuals, government and institutions — developing expertise and enabling them to put inclusive green economy principles into practice.
24Knowledge Products
26Training Packages
360National Institutions and Ministries partnering
A green economy results in improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. Learn how governments, businesses and citizens can enable green economic transformation and what is the role you can play to support a low carbon, resource efficient, and socially inclusive future.
E-Learning for a Green Economy
Learn how governments, businesses and citizens can enable green economic transformation and what is the role you can play to support a low carbon, resource efficient, and socially inclusive future.
Green Jobs
Countries in all parts of the world are starting to make the connection between green jobs and economic, social, and environmental development goals, prompted in part by one of today’s most urgent global challenges. Gain knowledge to advance green economic transformation.
The Green Learning Network
Launched by the Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) with support from the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE), the Green Learning Network (GLN) aims to inform, inspire, and innovate while facilitating partnerships and collaboration around green learning.
Sustainable Development
Integration of the economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection is key to achieving sustainable development. Broaden your knowledge on sustainable development and the integration these three key dimensions.
Higher Education Course on “Inclusive Green Economy Modelling”
This package of teaching materials for a semester-long course on “Inclusive Green Economy Modelling” is freely available to higher education institutions around the world. The goal is to support interested universities in establishing recurrent courses on modelling.
The target audience for the course is Master’s students and potentially undergraduate students in their final year.
The course familiarizes students with various methodologies and models, and provides an opportunity for students to start using modelling tools, such as input-output, general and partial equilibrium, systems engineering, system dynamics and spatially explicit models, in an area of interest to them.
The type of skills acquired through this course are usually needed in institutions that deal with medium to long-term planning, across sectors.
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Learning Materials on Green Economy
The main purpose of the learning materials is to support national and international partners when delivering trainings and/or workshops on IGE issues. The learning materials are customizable to national contexts.
The PAGE Introductory Learning Materials on Green Economy are organized around 40 key topics and contain easily digestible knowledge on a number of green economy issues. The learning materials can assist trainers and resource persons involved in green economy learning activities, including government, civil society, media, and business representatives.
The PAGE Advanced Learning Materials is a set of 15 advanced learning units on green economy with thematic focus on “Green economy policy assessments” and “Greening economic sectors”. The first section is dedicated to macroeconomic green economy assessments, explaining the purpose of green economy modelling, and detailing green job assessments and green industry assessments. The second section focuses on the following economic sectors: Agriculture, Buildings, Energy, Forestry, Manufacturing, Tourism, Transport, Waste and Water.