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Ariel view of boats at shore in Thailand

PAGE is supported by the generous contributions of its partners. Their support, financial and in-kind contributions are integral to enabling countries to transform their economies into drivers of sustainability. Contributions and pledges total US$ 108.75.

Total contributions: $111.6M

Contributions to PAGE – 2013-2024
European Union$29.43M
Republic of Korea$10.12M
In-kind contributions from PAGE partners***$12.15M
United Arab Emirates**$1.03M
South Africa**$500K

* includes support to PAGE outside of its Trust Fund, aligned with the PAGE programme, ** in-kind, *** estimated value

PAGE is managed and governed by its Steering Committee, Management Board, Technical Team, and the Secretariat. The Trust Fund is managed by the Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office, which serves as the administrative agent of PAGE.

The United Nations Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) Office is the centre of expertise in pooled funding. It is the only United Nations entity dedicated to the design and administration of multi-stakeholder pooled financing instruments and since 2004.

PAGE provides real time visibility of income, expenditure and commitments via the gateway of the Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office. In addition, annual reporting at the programme level and regular external evaluations identify progress made in achieving the overall goal of PAGE, the lessons learned and the opportunities for further action

  • UNEP logo

    UN Environment Programme (UNEP)

    UNEP focuses on enabling countries to place environmental sustainability at the heart of policymaking, development planning, and project execution. UNEP directly supports PAGE by hosting its Secretariat and managing the PAGE Trust Fund. Most of PAGE research work on green economy indicators, measurement frameworks, as well as on trade, is coordinated by UNEP. At the national level, the agency’s extensive experience in providing technical assistance and informing national decision making through green economy assessments and macroeconomic modelling contributes to PAGE activities.

  • ILO Logo

    International Labour Organization (ILO)

    The ILO assists countries in developing an enabling environment for green job opportunities to flourish, and future-proofing the workforce. It brings its knowledge and experience on employment, the greening of enterprises, green jobs, gender equality and skills building to PAGE.

  • UN Development Programme (UNDP)

    UNDP provides expertise to ensure integrated policy design and implementation that eradicates poverty and reduces inequalities. UNDP contributes to PAGE through multi-disciplinary expertise in environment, poverty, gender and governance; innovative financing; country-owned capacity development and engagement with key Government, private sector and civil society partners.

  • UNIDO Logo

    UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

    UNIDO delivers expertise on developing and greening industrial sectors to enable countries to sustainably diversity the drivers of their economies. UNIDO’s contribution to PAGE focuses on industrial policy advice and its implementation through industry engagement, industry-related training and its building of public-private partnerships.

  • UNITAR Logo

    UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)

    UNITAR develops institutional and societal expertise to sustain, grow and implement green economy policies and projects. Under PAGE, UNITAR supports international training programmes, national competency development and learning strategies, as well as specialized training and policy dialogues.

Collaboration is embedded within the PAGE identity. Relying on shared expertise, dialogue and alignment of efforts strengthens the partnership’s effectiveness and enables synergy on the country and global level. PAGE has collaborated with GoForSDGs; Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN); UNDP Green Commodities Programme; and the UNEP Environment and Trade Hub, among others.

PAGE welcomes expression of interest to join PAGE as a country partner, as an action partner and as a funding partner. Together let’s enable countries to achieve their SDG commitments through green economic transformation. Join us now!

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