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3rd PAGE Green Industry Summer School

The PAGE Green Industry Summer School, from 30 July to 2 August in Vienna, provided new insights into the practical aspects of circular economy policymaking and highlighted the importance of regional energy strategies to increase efficiencies and improve access to financing.

Hosted by UNIDO in Vienna, the event emphasized that multistakeholder collaboration is crucial to driving the green transition, encouraging countries to embrace comprehensive strategies that merges policy, technology, and finance to facilitate a seamless shift towards a circular economy.

The Summer School brought together policymakers, industry leaders, and experts from more than 30 countries to delve into the strategies and implementations essential for promoting the circular economy and sustainable green industry practices.

H.E. Ambassador Carl Hallergard, EU Ambassador and Permanent Representative to UNIDO, and Smail Alhilali, Chief of the Division of Circular Economy and Green Industry at UNIDO, inaugurated the event. Ambassador Hallergard delivered the opening remarks and stated, “The green transition is also a business opportunity and we are all obliged to implement the green transition”.  Adebiyi Odegbile, Programme Management Officer, PAGE Secretariat, delivered the opening presentation on PAGE’s objectives and strategic focus areas to support countries in achieving a just, circular and green economic transformation. The event also featured various high-profile speakers, including renowned economist Professor Jeffrey Sachs, who emphasized the importance of systemic change for sustainable development. He remarked, “Regional dimensions (of the pathway towards decarbonization by 2050) are extremely important and need deep planning and deep policy integration”.

UNIDO Green Industry Summer School Vienna

Preceded by a self-paced online course on Green Industrial Policy from May 15 to June 30, the hands-on course was designed to equip participants with the knowledge, tools, and skills necessary for advancing the circular economy. The in-person segment included policy exercises, workshops, and presentations by PAGE partner agencies such as UNEP, UNIDO, ILO, UNDP, and UNITAR. This interdisciplinary approach provided attendees with a deep understanding of the role of the circular economy and green industry in meeting climate goals.

The event featured a roundtable with experts from leading organizations like the Circular Economy Forum Austria, Vienna University of Technology, Climate Lab, and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. It also provided participants with inspiring case studies from organizations and startups like Hempstatic, Reploid Group and Alchemia-Nova on their circular products and business models.

PAGE Green Industry Summer School Vienna

As a representative of the Pacific Island Countries (PICs), I gained strategies from various specialists and participants worldwide on how to manage a green transition and create green jobs for our Pacific communities. I am now better equipped to address environmental degradation issues, such as plastic waste management and carbon footprint reduction through Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

Alesana Malo, particpant from Samoa, PhD student (Food Technologist), University of the South Pacific (USP)/University Queensland/University Sunshine Coast

Participants had the opportunity to visit the industrial site of Schneider Electric Power Drives to learn about their cutting-edge business practices and the real-world applications of the circular economy principles. This practical experience complemented the theoretical knowledge gained during the sessions, providing invaluable insights and networking opportunities.

Key outcomes from the summer school highlighted the importance of regional energy strategies to increase efficiencies and improve access to financing. The event emphasized that multistakeholder collaboration is crucial to driving the green transition. A unified call to countries underscored the need for an integrated approach that combines policy, technology, and finance to achieve a successful circular economy transition.

The summer school is comprehensively prepared and packaged with interactive activities, making the learning process more enjoyable. The diverse speakers provided a better understanding of the dynamics of the circular economy.

Anggi Pertiwi Putri, a participant from Indonesia, Planner for Directorate of Environment, Ministry of National Development Planning of the Republic of Indonesia, BAPPENAS

Additionally, seventeen participants presented their circular business models, national circular policies, and insights, fostering further south-south exchange and collaboration. The summer school also established a platform for ongoing alumni engagement through a dedicated online forum. This forum will facilitate continued discussions and insights sharing from the previous Summer Schools, ensuring lifelong collaborations and peer exchange.

The 3rd PAGE Green Industry Summer School successfully brought together a diverse group of stakeholders, united by their commitment to advancing the principles of the circular economy and green industry. By combining theoretical insights with practical experiences, the event provided participants with the tools and knowledge necessary to drive systemic transformation within their own regions and countries. As the global community strives to meet climate goals, the Summer School plays a critical role in driving systemic change and fostering sustainable industrial development.

UNIDO Green Industry Summer School Vienna

PAGE was launched in 2013 as a response to the call at Rio+20 to support countries addressing one of the greatest challenges of our time: building economies that improve human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities.

The partnership brings together  five United Nations agencies; UNEP, UNDP, ILO, UNIDO, and UNITAR, whose expertise and support assist and lead partner countries towards their transition to an Inclusive Green Economy (IGE) by providing policy advice, assessments, capacity building and analytical tools outputs.




Source: UNIDO

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