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23 April 2024

A group of men sitting on stools on stage at the Ruta X Verde sustainability course 2024 launch event

PAGE is contributing to the new Argentine Industrial Union (UIA) course on sustainable production that runs until end of June 2024. The course is part of the RUTA x Verde programme and assists small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the development of a sustainability strategy and in the implementation of sustainable production processes. It includes experiences and best practices, national and international environmental regulations that influence the productive development of a company by international level referents.


PAGE is contributing to course by leading a module on the application of the sustainability manuals and guidelines for SMEs from the Food and Textile sector. These manuals and guidelines have been developed during 2023 in a process that included consultation and workshops with several representatives from the Industry as well as the Ministry of Environment, and they have been launched in early 2024.

This module aims to provide practical guidance to SMEs enabling them for reporting on specific compliance to standards, thus making them fit for competitiveness on global markets and value chains, including the compliance-manuals developed under PAGE for the textile and food sector.

Participating in an initiative led by Employers EMBO and co-financed by the European Union is a significant opportunity for PAGE Argentina. This involvement aligns with the Sustainability Strategy, indicating the transition the organization is making. It serves as solid evidence that the materials and outputs embraced by the Argentine Industry are relevant in the long run.

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A high-level launch event opened the course on 23 April in Buenos Aires, Argentina. At the opening, the president of the UIA, Daniel Funes de Rioja, pointed out that “without sustainability we cannot enter developed markets” and added that “we must assimilate this concept as a business culture”.

The ambassador of the European Union in Argentina, Amador Sánchez Rico, indicated that “the challenge is to reconcile the economy with the planet.” A total of 517 people participated in the live stream, with 130 special guests attending the High-Level launch in person.

The programme “Ruta X Verde” is meant to accompany companies by providing comprehensive assistance to advance in the development of sustainable strategies. This initiative is part of the vision present in the UIA White Paper, which has sustainability as one of the main axes with a federal and inclusive perspective.

Last year, at the launch of the project, a manual of good practices and training was developed. This year’s edition seeks to deepen training and begin with technical assistance directly to companies and chambers, with a focus on SMEs.

Alongside ten free virtual courses, the most relevant topics for the productive sustainability agenda will be addressed: circular economy, renewable energies, decarbonization, energy efficiency and sustainable financing, among others. In addition, successful strategies implemented by national industries, such as Cervecería y Maltería Quilmes, Ledesma and Ternium, will be analyzed in depth.

“Ruta X Verde”, counts on the collaboration of the European Union, with the support of the Al Invest Program and in partnership with Confindustria (Italy), and support from PAGE.

Argentina joined PAGE in 2018. Aligning with the goals of the country, PAGE work aims to support SDGs 4 (Quality Education), 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), 13 (Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts), and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals) in Argentina.

PAGE brings together the specialized expertise of five United Nations agencies to accelerate a just transition to a low carbon, resource efficient, nature friendly and socially inclusive economy.

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