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06 May 2022

Photo from event

In collaboration with the Direction of Environment and classified Establishments, the ILO organised a workshop on April 1 to validate the impact study of Covid 19 on the country´ s NDCs as well as the proposed implementation strategy post-Covid.  The study identified the technical and social measures that could be integrated into the Senegal´s contributions to climate protection in priority sectors such as industry, energy, agriculture, livestock, water resources and fisheries.Official publication will orient the strategic pathway for the green recovery.

Publication will inform decision-making for Green Recovery

Senegal is currently developing a strategy for mobilising the private sector around projects that will serve as a lever for the inclusive green economy.

ILO organized a workshop on March 23 to present and validate the report on the development of a strategic orientation document for the green recovery in Senegal. The publication will inform decision-making on issues such as green taxation, sustainable public procurement, and support for young business entrepreneurs for market access. The activity was part of the green recovery program supported by PAGE.


Read More:  and Impact study of Covid 19 on the country´s NDC (FR)

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