In spring 2023, PAGE launched a series of interviews featuring people that have collaborated with PAGE at a given time. The purpose is to voice experiences, opinions, and insights on how the green economy is evolving and how the green economic transformation is being implemented around the world.
Making an impact together
People at the heart of PAGE’s work – all the interviews

Ms Liu Hui
Meet Ms. Liu Hui, Deputy Director of Research and Consulting Department of Social Responsibility Office of CNTAC, Member of a council of China Textile Enterprise Association.
Brian O'Callaghan
Dr. Brian O’Callaghan to tell us about the Global Recovery Observatory and the importance of supporting a green economic recovery.
Germán Benítez
He serves Coordinator of the Economic and Financial Advisory team at the Municipality of Montevideo.
As committed as ever, Indonesia has demonstrated its leadership in promoting the green economy by launching our green economy index during the G20 Summit in 2022. [...] The Index is developed based on our low-carbon development model—which PAGE has also supported during the development process, especially the energy sector—and some existing global references and studies, including GEP and then tailored to the characteristics of Indonesia’s green economy concept and development targets

As an advisor and Minister of the Environment, I was able to promote PAGE so that the process of inclusion in various sectors can continue and be considered in decision-making. At the same time, the aim was to train more public officials in the functioning of the IGE. The advantage of having been in the design of the IGE model and the beginning of the PAGE initiative allowed me to promote the initiative at a decision level and sustain the importance of the tool to have better sustainable public policies.

Tamir Enkhbaatar
Tamir Enkhbaatar is a labour economist in Mongolia, where he leads the ‘’Decent Work for Youth Network’’.
Pamoussa Ouedraogo
Pamoussa Ouedraogo is the Permanent Secretary of the National Council for Sustainable Development.
Cecilia Nicolini
Cecilia Nicolini shares her experience in advancing an Inclusive and Green Economy in Argentina.
The green economy is an opportunity for Burkina Faso in terms of sustainable agriculture, forestry, transport and responsible waste management. Its climatic and geographical situation calls for guidelines for green, inclusive and resilient investments to better address environmental, social and economic challenges.

The CNTAC continuously promotes the construction of social responsibility and green, low-carbon, and circular development models throughout the industry, reshapes new paths of industry value chain, and takes active actions in comprehensively promoting the green transformation of the industry, achieving significant results.

Rita Chiletto
Rita Chiletto, who has been collaborating closely with PAGE since 2013, tells us about Mato Grosso and PAGE.
José Pineda
José Pineda tells us about his collaboration with UNEP and PAGE on the Green Economy Progress Measurement Framework.
Ermek Ashirov
Ermek Ashirov has been involved with PAGE since 2017 and has actively engaged into all the projects and activities implemented in Kyrgyzstan.
The main strength of a program like PAGE is that it coordinates several UN agencies towards a common goal, which is an example of what is expected to happen at the country level with the several line ministries that support the inclusive green economy agenda. This is important, because PAGE is presenting to policymakers the integrated and coordinated approach that must happen for policy action in an inclusive green economy given its multidimensionality.

For South Africa, more specifically, the PAGE Programme has facilitated and built capacity on green economy, contributed immensely to the existing knowledge base on green economy, forged closer working relations through the establishment of the PAGE National Steering Committee (NSC) and aimed at identifying new and emerging industry opportunities (...)

I believe that PAGE has been instrumental in both aspects, as it has a team capable of providing ongoing training and facilitating inter-institutional coordination. Initiatives like PAGE should be maintained and expanded, as they greatly inform and guide the work of decision-makers.

We were able to learn from IGE concepts and propose comprehensive public policy frameworks that had a significant outreach in the State of Mato Grosso. [...] We have promoted a revolution in the use of the concept of the green economy in the State of Mato Grosso.