Discover the People at the heart of PAGE work interview featuring people that have collaborated with PAGE at a given time. The purpose is to voice experiences, opinions, and insights on how the green economy is evolving and how the green economic transformation is being implemented around the world. In this interview, Dr. Jenitha Badul shares her experience in advancing an Inclusive and Green Economy in South Africa.
“Inclusive green economy was beginning to gain traction in South, with visible pockets of excellence evident both from application of green economy imperatives in working with the private sector and enabling policy environment”
Jenitha is the Senior Policy Advisor for Sustainability Programmes and Projects, and has been with the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, since February 2003. Her professional experience is on project management, planning, coordination and implementation of green and circular economy initiatives across spheres of government, including research outputs, related publications and capacity building initiatives, in collaboration with donor country partners and United Nations Agencies and industry partners. She provides oversight on the National Green Fund. As the focal point, she coordinates both multi-lateral (Partnership for Action on the Green Economy, Switch Africa Green and Partnering for Green Growth and Global Goals) and bilateral donor-funded programmes. She coordinates Programme-specific and other governance structures. Other coordination activities include event greening and SMME green enterprise support programmes. Jenitha holds a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science – Honors (University of Natal), a Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Pathology (University of Durban-Westville). She also holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Environmental Management, a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (University of South Africa) an Executive Certificate in Environmental Governance, (Graduate Institute on International and Development Studies, Geneva- Switzerland) and a Certificate in Strategic Business Management (University of Cape Town).