Discover the People at the heart of PAGE work interview featuring people that have collaborated with PAGE at a given time. The purpose is to voice experiences, opinions, and insights on how the green economy is evolving and how the green economic transformation is being implemented around the world. In this interview, Dr. Medrilzam shares his experience in advancing an Inclusive and Green Economy in Indonesia.
Advancing the green economy: Indonesia’s commitment to moving towards a sustainable path.
Medrilzam is the Director of Environment within the Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas), Indonesia. He has been with Bappenas since 1993 and has served in various structural and functional positions. He is one of Indonesia’s leading experts in environment and climate change issues. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Engineering from Institut Teknologi Bandung (1992) and holds a master’s Degree in Professional Economics (1998) and a PhD in Environmental Management (2013) from The University of Queensland, Australia. His areas of expertise include carbon policy, climate change economics, and the application of system dynamics to environmental management and socio-ecological systems.