PAGE Thailand joined the UN country team and the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Organization, on 8 June, in a meeting to discuss the partnership over an issue-based coalition on raising ambitions on climate actions, a coalition of 15 UN agencies in Thailand led by UNRC and UNEP.
09 June 2023
PAGE Thailand supports low carbon action partnerships

The meeting also discussed the potential abatement of greenhouse gases by SMEs, which account for nearly 20% of GHG emissions of the country. PAGE shared workplans on how to develop mandatory emissions trading systems and discussed how such workplans might impact SMEs.
One of the key conclusions of the meeting was that the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Organization agreed to work with the UN to explore potential issues in order to allign SMEs with climate actions.

PAGE Thailand once again joined UN country team on 21 June to celebrate the Ministry of Interior’s success on carbon reduction and food waste management. The carbon credits earned by local subdistricts were traded to Kasikorn bank and registered under the T-VER programme (Thailand Voluntary GHG Emission Reduction Programme).
PAGE expressed appreciation for admirable waste management practices by Thailand and invited some case studies from local subdistricts to be shared in the PAGE report on financial mechanisms for sustainable waste management, a mechanism to be further upscaled at the national level.

PAGE is an alliance of five UN agencies, 8 funding partners, and 22 partner countries that work together to transform economies into drivers of sustainability by supporting nations and regions in reframing economic policies and practices around sustainability.