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05 April 2022


The meeting discussed the green recovery fund activities in Mauritius on finance for nature-based solutions and climate smart agriculture, sustainable urban food systems, incentives to boost the agro-processing industries, and the green jobs modeling for the agriculture sector. The National Steering Committee is chaired by the Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security, Government of Mauritius, and includes members from relevant ministries, national institutions, private sector, civil society, the UNRCO and PAGE UN agencies. The NSC was formed in August 2021. 

PAGE Mauritius also took part and was featured in The National Policy Dialogue on Green Growth in Mauritius held on March 31 and April 1, which was organised in the context of the Switch Africa Green project. The dialogue provided a forum for major actors to analyse existing policies for the greening of the economy, identify gaps, and formulate appropriate policy actions that will support a circular economy and facilitate an ecological transition. In addition, this dialogue was to raise awareness and bring synergies of complementary activities in the country and provide opportunities to establish linkages. PAGE Mauritius presented a comprehensive overview of all its inclusive green economy activities in Mauritius since 2014. 

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