The promotion of green jobs has been a core goal of PAGE Peru since joining the Partnership in 2014 — integrated into green growth strategies at the national and regional level. The latest development — the ‘Conceptualization of green jobs in Peru’ report — aims to enable the measurement of green jobs and the efforts to promote them in the country.
The key report includes an outline of sectors with potential to generate green jobs, with the goal of prioritizing their promotion. The report will also aid in Peru’s green recovery process; the ILO estimates that the potential for green job creation in Latin America is 15 million new jobs.
In Peru, progress in this direction could help reverse the situation of job losses caused by COVID-19 in the country, which has affected more than 2 million people by 2020. The report was presented in an event on 18 May 2021 to a group of 70 participants, including representatives from the Peruvian and Ecuadorian governments, international organizations and civil society.
The report begins to fill a gap in the country for monitoring green job growth — there has not yet been an official definition or quantification of existing and potential green jobs in Peru to enable the monitoring and evaluation of efforts to promote green jobs. The report is the starting point to establish a conceptual definition of green jobs in Peru and eventually aid in the ability to properly measure and evaluate. Similarly, this will also enable the design of protocols that allow the Labor Innovation Laboratory, and the Labor Programmes of the MTPE to incorporate the green approach in their services and design public policies and programs on green recovery in order to foster a green and inclusive recovery.
The report was conducted through the Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion (MTPE), with the technical support of PAGE.
Fact Sheet: Conceptualizacion de Empleos Verdes en Peru
Conceptualizacion de Empleos Verdes en Peru
Conceptualización de empleos verdes en Perú