Sustainable consumption and production is one of the key approaches for accelerating the transition towards an inclusive green economy. Adoption of environmentally responsible consumption and production patterns, resulting judicious utilization of resources, is vital to ensure environmental sustainability along with economic growth.
Eco-labelling effectively identifies and establishes markets for green and efficient products. It serves as a tool that encourages environmentally and socially responsible consumer choices as well as industry practices, thereby contributing to long-term sustainability goals. Implementation of eco-labels actualizes sustainable consumption and production by fulfilling three primary objectives: environmental protection, encouraging innovations for sustainable production of environment friendly products, and consumer engagement.
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), Government of India has recently notified Eco-mark Rules, 2024 with an aim to revamp the regulatory framework of eco-labelling in the country that encourages the demand as well as production of environment-friendly products, leading to promotion of green industries.
India joined Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) as a partner country in 2018. MoEFCC is the nodal ministry for PAGE in India. Accomplishing one of the objectives of PAGE in India, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) under PAGE conducted analytical studies, including among others, review of the Eco-mark Scheme 1991, review of global and national best practices of eco-labels, and comparative assessment of national and international eco-labels for different product categories. These analytical studies contributed to development of Eco-mark Rules 2024, notified by the Government of India in November 2024.
In this interview with PAGE, Ms. Leena Nandan, Former Secretary, MoEFCC, Government of India, explains the crucial role of Eco-labelling in advancing sustainable consumption and production.