UNITAR together with local partners and PAGE’s Local Office will start the Inclusive Green Recovery training in June. The objective is to ensure that there is local capacity within the municipal sustainable rural development councils to collect and analyze data on family farming. The training will also demonstrate the smart tool (e-SEIAF), which utilises primary data collection for family agriculture.
02 May 2023
Mato Grosso to start an Inclusive Green Recovery Training

With the support of PAGE, the State Secretariat for Family Agriculture (SEAF) has created the Integrated State System for Family Agriculture in Mato Grosso (SEIAF MT) to solve bottlenecks due to the lack of information on family farming in the state of Mato Grosso, which limits the planning and investment capacity of the State, the private sector and civil society. The SEIAF MT is instrumentalized by means of an electronic tool e-SEIAF, a smart tool that utilizes primary data collection for family agriculture.
The implementation of a system of this size, considering the 141 municipalities in Mato Grosso, is a great challenge, which requires perfect methodological alignment, training of local agents and the availability of a robust and easy-to-use electronic system. To ensure an assertive adhesion process and to validate the electronic tool, 4 pilot municipalities were selected to implement SEIAF MT in its initial phase: Alta Floresta, Querência, Cotriguaçu and Várzea Grande.
At the beginning of the year, the State of Mato Grosso in Brazil requested PAGE Local Office to complete by 2023 the training of agents on Inclusive Green Recovery as well as the remaining activities under the framework of the Green Recovery Funds. This activity wants to consolidate the work done under PAGE’s green recovery support and the launch of Mato Grosso green recovery policy focusing on strengthening family agriculture – which accounts for 51 per cent of the workforce in Mato Grosso.
The State of Mato Grosso joined PAGE in 2016. The SEIAF System was funded by PAGE.
The Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) has grown into a prominent alliance of five UN agencies, 8 funding partners, and 22 partner countries that work together to transform economies into drivers of sustainability by supporting nations and regions in reframing economic policies and practices around sustainability.
Thanks to this integrated vision and strategy and the support of its board and a wide range of partners, PAGE is increasingly recognized as a model to deliver coordinated support of UN to countries for achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and targets of the Paris Agreement.