To support medium and long-term green recovery through circular economy principles, PAGE Indonesia together with the Ministry of National Development Planning/BAPPENAS, conducted a two-day multi-stakeholder hybrid workshop on the circular economy potential in the food and beverage industry on 24-25 August in Bogor, West Java.
26 August 2023
Mainstreaming Circular Economy in the Food & Beverages Industry in Indonesia

Under the theme “Mainstreaming Circular Economy in the Entire Value Chain of Food and Beverages Sector”, the workshop brought experts and practitioners of the circular economy. The workshop was also an opportunity to present and discuss the results from PAGE Indonesia’s series of assessments on the circular economy potential in the Food and Beverages industry.
The hybrid event aimed to raise awareness among stakeholders about the significance of the circular economy for Indonesia’s green economic transformation and green recovery and provide a platform to discuss the importance of the circular economy in the food and beverage value chain. It also enabled the identification of efforts and measures to be taken by the government, consumers and businesses; as well as the promotion of relevant available courses on circular economy.
Speakers and participants included key stakeholders from government, the private sector, associations, civil society organizations and academia. Mr. Angus Mackay, Director of the Division for Planet at UNITAR; Ms. Henriette Faergemann, First Counsellor for Environment, Climate Action and Digital at the Delegation of the European Union to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam; Dr. Aretha Aprilia, Head of Environment Unit at UNDP Indonesia; Dr. Medrilzam, Director of Environmental Affairs at BAPPENA took part in the opening segment.
The outcomes of the event will contribute to the ongoing development of a national Circular Economy roadmap and action plans; to the awareness raising and advocacy on the importance of implementing Circular Economy principles throughout the value chains of the food and beverage sector and the achievement of SDG 12 on responsible consumption and production.
This event was led by PAGE, UNDP and UNITAR, and BAPPENAS. PAGE brings together the expertise of five UN agencies UNEP, UNIDO, UNITAR, UNDP, ILO and counts on the support of several funding partners such as the EU and Germany. Currently, 22 countries joined PAGE. Indonesia joined in 2018. UNDP is the main coordinating agency for Indonesia.
The Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) is a prominent alliance of five UN agencies, funding partners, and 22 partner countries that work together to transform economies into drivers of sustainability by supporting nations and regions in reframing economic policies and practices around sustainability.
Sources: Linkedin, PAGE Indonesia