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22 June 2022

Highway in Kazakhstan

Following the request of the Ministry of National Economy PAGE Kazakhstan joined forces in June with the Economic Research Institute on finalizing development of the Carbon Neutrality Strategy until 2060. The Strategy aims to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement and will determine the national approaches and strategic course of the state policy for consistent transformation towards decarbonisation of the economy. The Strategy and its implementation process should enable the Government to effectively translate trends in the international regime into national action plans and policies in order to put the national economy on the path of long-term prosperity, combined with a healthy global climate. 

Since June 2022, PAGE has contributed to drafting of six chapters of the Strategy and facilitated conduction of 22 working group meetings with the stakeholders, including government agencies, industrial and environmental associations, international organizations and NGOs. The discussions allowed to collect different views on priority issues for achieving carbon neutrality goals, volumes and sources of financing required for the transition, ways of decarbonization and legislative transformation.

The draft Strategy was revied by the Supreme Council for Reforms under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and sent for final follow-up revision. PAGE will continue to provide expert support for the development process until final adoption which is expected by the end of the year.



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