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04 December 2024

On 3 December, in Jakarta, PAGE Indonesia, alongside national partners, celebrated significant achievements and embarked on a new journey towards a low-carbon, job-rich, and socially inclusive economy during a National Dialogue event organized by the Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS). PAGE and Indonesia will initiate a new collaboration aligned with PAGE’s updated strategy to implement the Indonesia Circular Economy Roadmap and Action Plan.

On this occasion, the National Dialogue served as a platform to assess the achievements of the PAGE in Indonesia while also outlining a roadmap for the transformation towards a sustainable and inclusive green economy.

As Indonesia prepares its medium-term development plan, RPJMN 2025-2029, this event seeked to align key stakeholders across various sectors to expedite green initiatives, including the Circular Economy Roadmap, energy transition policies, and fiscal innovations for sustainable development.

During the five years of the PAGE programme in Indonesia, the main area of work included the circular economy, energy transition, energy carbonization and increasing human resource capacity to achieve green economy targets [...]

Febrian Alphyanto Ruddyard, Deputy Minister of National Development Planning

Over the past decade, Indonesia has experienced an unprecedented period of economic growth, turning it into one of Asia’s leading economies. PAGE has focused on several key topics in Indonesia, including environmental sustainability, energy transition, industrial decarbonization, and the enhancement of human resource capabilities to meet green economy objectives.

Consequently, PAGE contributed to a number of reports on food loss and waste reduction and management, transition to electric vehicles, acceleration model for rooftop solar power plant development, and green jobs in the energy sector.

In 2017, the Indonesian government through Bappenas launched the Low Carbon Development Initiative (LCDI) with PAGE support to achieve low carbon development, sustainable resource management, and poverty alleviation.

In 2022, Indonesia launched the Indonesia Green Economy Index has become essential for tracking the nation’s progress in sustainable economic development, offering a clear picture of achievements in energy efficiency, renewable energy, and waste management. This tool provides policymakers with critical, data-driven insights to guide effective green growth strategies.

More recently, PAGE has also contributed to the launch of several significant initiatives, including the Circular Economy Roadmap and Action Plan, the Low Carbon Development Plan for the West Java region, the National Energy General Plan utilizing a dynamic system approach, and the Food Loss and Waste Action Plan in Bali province.

The support provided by PAGE for the implementation of the Indonesia Circular Economy Roadmap and Action Plan encompasses three primary objectives:

• Enhance Environmental Sustainability (ES) policies by operationalizing the ES roadmap, aligning actions with Indonesia’s NDC targets, and improving data and indicators.
• Focus on financing strategies by identifying investment needs and mobilizing diverse funding sources.
• Establish policy labs for testing and refining ES policy interventions.

Participants exchanged experiences and discussed initiatives for sustaining the green economic transformation beyond 2024. The event boasts a diverse lineup of 300+ participants offline and 50+ participants online, representing.

The National Dialogue with the theme, “Accelerating Green Economic Transformation” was attended by, the Ambassador of the European Union to Indonesia, Denis Chalbi, Deputy for Maritime Affairs and Natural Resources, Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Vivi Yulaswati, Deputy Minister of Environment, Diaz Hendropriyono, Head of Environment, UNDP Indonesia, Aretha Aprilia, Head of European Investment Bank (EIB) Group for South East Asia and Pacific, Sunita Lukkhoo, President Director, PT. Pertamina (Persero), Simon Aloysius Mantiri.

“ [This] national dialogue on accelerating green economy transformation is an important milestone on this pathway, bringing us all together to shape the future of sustainability in Indonesia.”, underlined Steven Stone.

Indonesia joined PAGE in 2018, with BAPPENAS serving as the government’s focal point for this initiative. UNDP is the leading coordinating agency for the PAGE project.


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