PAGE Indonesia and key national stakeholders kicked off on October 12 the second phase of the Resource Efficiency Cleaner Production (RECP) assessment in the iron and steel industry sector. The study is expected to support the implementation of green industry standards in this industry as well as support the green economy transformation agenda in Indonesia.
The kick-off event included representatives from the Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) and the Ministry of Industry, companies and associations from the iron and steel industry, PAGE Indonesia, as well as Indonesia Cleaner Production Centre – implementing partner of the RECP in iron & steel sector. Representative from BAPPENAS Ms. Asri Hadiyanti Giasuti, Mr. M. Abu Saieed from UNIDO HQ, and Ms. Diah Ratna Pratiwi (PAGE Indonesia National Project Coordinator) delivered the opening remarks. Held in a hybrid mode, more than 50 participants attended the event.
The RECP assessment in iron and steel industry is a follow-up to the process that has been carried out previously, namely the Green Industry and Trade Assessment (GITA) study which was conducted in 2019 followed by the RECP assessment in the fertilizer sector in 2021-2022.
The RECP Phase II in the iron & steel sector is part of the PAGE Indonesia portfolio in supporting Low Carbon Development & Circular Economy implementation. PAGE works in close collaboration with the Ministry of National Development Planning/BAPPENAS, Ministry of Industry, and key stakeholders from the iron and steel industry. The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is facilitating the study.
The RECP assessment in iron & steel industry is expected to complete in March/April 2023.