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10 November 2022

Train and nature in India

Under PAGE India, UNIDO and ILO convened, on 10 November 2022, a policy dialogue on ‘Unlocking inclusive & green manufacturing growth and diversification in India’ to reflect upon the present status and prospects of inclusive and green manufacturing in India and validate key issues and opportunities that can shape and accelerate the desired transformation. On this occasion, UNIDO and ILO presented key findings of their policy readiness assessment for just green job transition and of technology and innovation status for sustainable and circular textile and apparel value chains in India. Stakeholders including technical experts and representatives from industries, worker associations, multilateral agencies and others provided their useful inputs which would help to deepen and extend these assessments and appreciate their policy implications.





Today’s challenge lies in maximizing the contribution of industrial development to creating quantum of decent and rewarding jobs and livelihoods and mitigating the triple planetary crises of climate change, waste and pollution, and loss of nature and biodiversity, through inclusive and green manufacturing.

India aims to become a US$ 5 trillion economy in coming years. India has a well-established and competitive manufacturing sector, the sixth largest in terms of economic output. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development foresees significant growth of the manufacturing sector, under the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG9).

Under PAGE in India, UNIDO and ILO have drafted a high-level assessment of issues and opportunities of green manufacturing in India and follow up analysis is focusing on just transition policy and sustainable technology and innovation with an initial focus on textile and apparel sector.

In India, PAGE is led by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC) and addresses a diversity of relevant topics, including, in addition to inclusive and green manufacturing, also localization of sustainable development goals, sustainable public procurement and eco-labelling, and advancing knowledge and expertise on sustainable consumption and production (SDG12).

PAGE is a joint initiative of UNIDO, ILO, UNEP, UNDP and UNITAR that supports 22 countries in shaping inclusive and green economy policy and practice.

 Sources: PAGE, ILO

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