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05 April 2022

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As Indonesia holds the presidency for 2022 G20 Summit, PAGE has been working with Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) to facilitate consultation processes to bring a green, blue, and low carbon economy into the Summit agenda. These segments have been gaining popularity in the country.


Screenshot from event


The 1st Development Working Group (DWG) Meeting’s Side Event: “Navigating Challenges and Optimizing Opportunities in Green and Blue Economy Implementation in Developing Countries, LDCs, and SIDS,” took place on February 23 as a hybrid webinar and panel discussion. The event aimed to exercise and dive-deep on the substance of green economy and blue economy through low carbon development in developing countries. 

Indonesia introduced its G20 presidency priorities on the DWG and welcomed policymakers, international organizations, and regulators to share successful experiences of implementation of environment-friendly initiatives on the green and blue economy segments. The Bappenas Director for Environment, Mr. Medrilzam, shared Indonesia’s experience and lessons learned in implementing a green economy through low carbon development. Mr Asad Naqvi, head of the PAGE Secretariat, provided further insights on the context and role of the green economy for achieving the SDGs. 

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