At the CBD COP16 in Cali, Colombia, from 21 October to 1 November 2024, PAGE through UNDP contributed to a series of events exploring nature-positive solutions. Aligned with PAGE updated strategy, these events leveraged the experiences of PAGE countries and partners to promote South-South dialogue among stakeholders. They aimed to share insights and innovations on topics such as green finance, natural capital valuation and accounting, the circular economy, and comprehensive approaches involving both government and society. These efforts were led by Tim Scott PAGE management board member and Senior Technical Advisor Nature Hub, UNDP Bureau for Policy and Programme Support UNDP.
30 October 2024
Exploring Nature-positive Solutions | PAGE at COP16

Exploring Nature-positive Solutions
On 22 October, PAGE management board member Tim Scott provided opening remarks for a discussion on “Making Nature Count through valuation and natural capital accounting” organized by the European Investment Bank in collaboration with the World Bank in the Multilateral Development Bank Pavilion. Speakers included representatives from the governments of Ethiopia, Finland, Germany, S&P Global, the Foundation for Sustainable Development, and the Value-Balancing Alliance.
On 24 October, a panel discussion with WWF, Just Rural Transition, and the governments of Colombia, Brazil and the UK was convened on ‘Reforming Agricultural Policies and Public Support for People, Planet and Prosperity’ in the Asia and the Pacific Meeting Room to highlight progress and lessons from countries and stakeholders – including farmers – about the importance of inclusive, consultative approaches. On the panel, Alejo Maggini emphasized the importance of inclusive consultative processes with farmers, Indigenous Peoples, local communities, women, and youth organizations and shared JRT’s lessons-learned in advancing meaningful engagements and long-lasting partnership in multi-stakeholder collaboration.
On 25 October 2024, PAGE, FAIRR, the Green Fiscal Policy Network, and Just Rural Transition, with the government of Australia organized a dialogue on “From Harm to Harmony: Redefining Agricultural Subsidies for Biodiversity Conservation” in the Finance and Biodiversity Pavilion. Representative of the Just Rural Transition initiative, Alejo Maggini, moderated the panel discussion. Focusing on the communities living and working at the frontlines of these food systems transformations, the panel discussed strategies and solutions that ensure benefits and protection for both people and nature. It brought together individuals from across the food systems space representing farmers, investors, UN agencies, and governments.
On 26 October, PAGE presented in an International Expert Panel on “Public Policies for Circular Economy and Biodiversity” as part of an all-day Circular Economy Symposium hosted by the Government of Colombia. This panel session featured examples of effective policies to help scale up Nature-positive circular economy solutions. In addition to PAGE and Colombia, the Panel included experts from Sitra, IUCN, WBCSD, and Systemiq.
On 29 October, a roundtable discussion on “Public-private Collaboration to Repurpose Agricultural Subsidies for Nature and People” was organized in the Business and Nature Hub with WWF and the World Business Council on Sustainable Development and speakers from the Government of the Netherlands, Danone, and farmer from Asia and Brazil.
On 31 October 2024, the Cooperation Day was jointly organised by UNDP, the CBD Secretariat and the Environment Management Group in the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Pavilion . Serving as an exchange platform, UN agencies, governments and stakeholder groups spoke on ways to promote whole-of-society and whole-of-government approaches; connect the dots between global strategies on biodiversity, climate, land degradation, pollution; and scale up integrated solutions and South-South technical collaboration including through initiatives such as PAGE.
The 2024 United Nations Biodiversity Conference of the Parties (COP16) to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) was a conference that was held from October 21 to November 1, 2024 in Cali, Colombia. At COP 16, governments were tasked with reviewing the state of implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Parties to the Convention are expected to show the alignment of their National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) with the Framework.
At CBD COP16, PAGE also supported two events led by the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action (CFMCA) which focused on aligning financial flows with the Global Biodiversity Framework, closing the biodiversity finance gap, and mainstreaming biodiversity into macroeconomic policies.
Since 2013, the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) has become a prominent alliance of five UN agencies – UNEP, ILO, UNDP, UNIDO and UNITAR, that work together to transform economies into drivers of sustainability. With an upstream focus, PAGE operates as a global platform and knowledge hub to inform global debates and agenda setting, develop analytical tools and best practice documents, and to connect countries for peer-to-peer learning and South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC).
Sources: PAGE, UNDP, Meridian Institute, Just Rural Transition and Sitra