The Senegalese National School of Administration (Ecole Nationale d’Administration – ENA) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) established a partnership to develop a learning module on green economy for Senegal’s future public administration managers.
To better train its students on certain sustainable development concepts, ENA is working with UNITAR to develop a learning module on green economy. Within this context, experts from UNITAR and trainers from ENA held an initial workshop to discuss the introduction of the course on inclusive green economy into the school curricula.
ENA Secretary General, Mbaye Diop, recalled that the workshop is part of a partnership agreement for the implementation of the project entitled “Integrating the Inclusive Green Economy into ENA curriculum“. In his opinion, given the limited resources and the need to prepare future decision makers on these issues, the integration of the green economy course is crucial for ENA.
“Our goal is to constantly strengthen our institution so that it can fully assume its role of providing training and skills to future senior and middle administration managers who will be in charge of driving transformations in the public action as underpinned by the Plan Sénégal Émergent (PSE)” says the Secretary General of ENA.
For this reason, ENA’s role will be essential in the process of integrating green economy into national policies, priority actions, budgets and documents.
UNITAR representative, Lovena Appasami, UN consultant on green economy and climate change in West Africa, says that her institute specifically targeted ENA for the implementation of this module. This project, she says, is part of the PAGE (Partnership for Action on Green Economy) which supports 18 partner countries including Senegal which joined the programme in 2014 with the implementation of the PSE. PAGE aims to help partner countries in mainstreaming inclusive green economy into national sustainable development plans. Thus, the exploratory report that was made in Senegal in 2014 will contribute to the development of this module.
Mrs Appasami thinks it is important to familiarize ENA’s alumni with green economy concepts. Those students will be in a few years at the heart of the implementation of public policies.
The trainers of ENA have all welcomed this project expressing their positive expectations for the module. Given the fact that ENA has seven different sections, the general secretary Mbaye Diop asked to reflect on a module that takes into account the concerns and expectations of all the different sections.
In this regard, at the workshop different sessions where dedicated to building a common understanding of the concept of inclusive green economy, on its dimensions and implications and on general objective of the course.
Translated from: “Elaboration d’un module en économie verte” by Oumar KANDE, journaliste