The registration and call for proposal of the “National Youth Ideathon” on “Better Management of Food Loss and Waste to Support Green & Circular Economy” closed on 17 July 2023. PAGE Indonesia received a total of 289 group and individual proposals. The selected projects will be announced in the end of August.
On World Environment Day 2023, on 5 June 2023, the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, together with the LCDI Secretariat and UN-PAGE supported by UNDP Indonesia for Circular Economy Projects, launched this initiative with the aim to empower Indonesian youth.
Through this competition, young innovators and entrepreneurs can put forward theirs creative ideas and circular solutions to address issues related to food management. A total prize of 50 Million Rupiah is awarded for the best teams.
PAGE Indonesia extends its appreciation to UN Indonesia Information Centre (UNIC) and LCDI Secretariat at BAPPENAS for their collaboration in spreading the information and call for proposal, as well as PAGE’s other collaborators and media partners: Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) Forum Secretariat at UNDP Indonesia, UNDP ATSEA-2 Project, MWA Consulting, Greeneration, and Cleanomics.