The government of Cambodia and PAGE led the workshop under the theme “Accelerating a Green and Fair Economic Transformation in Cambodia”, on 22 November 2023 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Bringing 70 participants from key ministries, research institutions, academia, the private sector, EuroCham, and PAGE UN agencies, it shed light on critical aspects of economic transformation in the country, with a primary focus on the role of fiscal policy and finance in achieving green and socially inclusive growth.
Representing the Minister of Environment and Chair of the National Council for Sustainable Development at the workshop, Dr. Paris Chuop, Secretary of State, stressed the importance of human resource development to meet the demand for new and emerging. “Today’s workshop is absolutely important in improving knowledge and enhancing the understanding of the government officials and other key actors on this fiscal space and circularity would greatly support the effort of green economic transformation”, he added.