National Policymaking

Table of Contents
Reframing strategic policies
Countries can reinforce and integrate Inclusive Green Economy goals and targets into national economic and development planning aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goals.
PAGE distinguishes itself from other international support programmes by focusing mainly on reframing strategic policies. The focus and area of action for PAGE remains upstream, where policies that shape the full economy are created and propelled downstream.
The success of PAGE lies in the additional value it offers to partner countries, funding partners and other relevant initiatives and programmes through an integrated package of tools and services.
Therefore, PAGE can provide a tailored response to country needs and can serve as a global exchange platform informing the global agenda in order to respond to global challenges.

Policy Planning
At its core, PAGE helps governments create and implement policies that promote green economic activities, through integrated technical advice, analysis and capacity building. Under the partnership, partner countries embark on a whole-economy and whole-society transition to an inclusive green economy.
PAGE analyzes the current policy environment and how it is impacting economic development, employment, environmental sustainability, and social inclusiveness.
PAGE has developed a tool that takes several commonly used modelling methods, and integrates them to forecast the economic, social and environmental tradeoffs of specific policy and investment scenarios.
PAGE develops guidelines on what is important to measure, how should it be measured, and how it interacts with other social and economic factor.
PAGE ensures that the domestic policy-making infrastructure can carry on building momentum towards an inclusive green economy.
PAGE analyzes how existing or proposed policies align with national development targets, the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals.
PAGE builds interministerial coordination mechanisms, cross-sectoral networks and international platforms to exchange ideas about policy innovations and learn best practices.
Thematic and Sectoral Reforms
PAGE also supports reform of sectoral and thematic policies, strategies and plans, assisting with multidisciplinary research and development of policy scenarios through multi-stakeholder processes. An important aspect of this work is identifying solutions for financing the transition to a green economy, with public and private resources.
PAGE supports countries with sectoral and thematic diagnostics, assessments, strategies, planning and policy analysis, prioritization of Inclusive Green Economy sectors, as well as mobilization and engagement of public, private and civil society stakeholders.
Thematic areas for reform with cross-sectoral impacts include labour market reform and green jobs; green fiscal policies; green industrial policies; trade opportunities ; green buildings and infrastructure planning; and reforms for education and training programmes.

PAGE results
Since 2013, PAGE has worked with partner countries to create lasting change embedded in national policies and institutions. Integrated and holistic support enables countries to reduce poverty, increase jobs and social equity, strengthen livelihoods and environmental stewardship while sustaining economic growth.
123Policies supported
22Partner Countries
360National Institutions and Ministries Partnering
Determine priorities
PAGE has a key focus on supporting the development of key sectors that can drive future economic growth and sustainable development. Working with partners, tools and measurement frameworks are provided to support policy analysis and facilitate consensus on policy options and monitor progress in the greening of the economy.
PAGE analyzes the potential of individual economic sectors, as well as specific thematic areas, including trade, jobs, industry, learning needs and the macroeconomic environment to determine inclusive green economy opportunities and capacity for development.
PAGE develops action and investment plans for promoting sectors that grow the economy, protect the natural environment and provide better employment and consumption choices for poor and
vulnerable communitiesINSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY
PAGE builds skills and helps lay the policy groundwork for the growth of specific strategic sectors to power the inclusive green economy.
PAGE works with business associations, universities and governments to develop and deliver green skills curricula customized to the growth trajectory of the country
PAGE’s modelling enables policymakers prioritise different sectoral investment and policy decisions based on the projected trade-offs and winners and losers of those decisions.
PAGE provides analysis tools and advice to enable policymakers to assess the impact of their policy and investment decisions on their progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals and national green economy targets.
PAGE has developed a tool that enables countries to track their inclusive green economy progress at a country level, facilitating cross-country comparison of achieved progress.
PAGE delivers trainings and briefings to enable decision makers to use measurement tools to inform their green economic strategy and policy decisions.
PAGE develops strategies and action plans for relevant government agencies and insututions to collect, store and analyze green economy data in a scientifically rigourous manner and enables comparison across countries and time periods.
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Partner Countries
PAGE supports countries to transform their economies through national policymaking. Click on the PAGE country partners below to find out more.