Knowledge Sharing

Table of Contents
A Knowledge Exchange Platform
For knowledge sharing, PAGE organizes high-level events, conferences, and workshops involving current and future PAGE countries to build networks and global platforms to exchange experiences and information.
Serving as knowledge exchange platform, PAGE facilitates peer-to-peer learning regarding challenges, opportunities and solutions in order to accelerate deeper progress on the greening of economies. By providing a unique platform to catalyse South-South and Triangular cooperation among partner countries, funding partners and non-PAGE countries, PAGE supports the generation of knowledge and identify good practices and innovative approaches to an inclusive green economy.
Furthermore, PAGE assists partner countries in developing and implementing national communications strategies. These help inform the public about the importance and benefits of greening the economy and facilitate sharing and dissemination of best practices, stories and innovations.

PAGE results
PAGE stakeholders are able to share knowledge, exchange ideas and learn best practices from one another through global and regional events.
99Countries Represented at PAGE Events
Green economic activities are more powerful when they are undertaken as a global effort. PAGE has been successful in supporting the movement toward sustainable economies by helping drive and shape conversations about the future we want through. Global Knowledge Development and Sharing activities focus on new tools needed for national planning around circular economy and developing and disseminating knowledge products and best practices.
PAGE convenes green economy stakeholders, including policymakers, champions and thought leaders at global events to share ideas, best practices and opportunities for further development.
PAGE participates in global fora and high-profile events, and engages with and trains media representatives on green economy issues to ensure that inclusive green economy is kept on the agenda of decision-makers.
PAGE connects with organizations, government agencies and civil society groups to build a green economy network and creating a multiplying effect on green economy action.
PAGE creates green economy learning environments and resources to help build the next generation of green economy leaders and support South-South cooperation and knowledge exchange.
PAGE uses a variety of traditional, social media, and online mechanisms to generate grassroots green economy discussions and celebrate green economy.
Knowledge Sharing News & Events
Partner Countries
PAGE supports countries to transform their economies through knowledge sharing. Click on the countries to know more about their progress toward a green economy.