Green Crossroads 2nd Edition - Morocco
PAGE Green Crossroads 2023

Table of Contents
24 October 2023 - 26 October 2023
The second edition of the PAGE Green Crossroads conference will take place in Rabat, on October 24-26, 2023.
The event will be launched by a plenary session of up to 150 invited participants including high-level representatives from PAGE, the United Nations System in Morocco, Government Institutions and principal donor organization. The opening plenary will start Tuesday 24 October at 9h30 and will be live-streamed.
Throughout the conference, panel discussions and workshops will focus on specific priority thematic areas for Morocco’s transition towards a green economy. Each session will be organized and led by one or several of the 5 UN agencies of the PAGE interagency team and their national or international partners.
More information: PAGE Green Crossroads note conceptuelle 2023 (FR)

Pioneering the green transition
The Kingdom of Morocco, resolutely committed to an economic and social transformation focused on sustainable development, is playing a leading role in the PAGE initiative. Joining the partnership in 2019, Morocco began its implementation under the leadership of the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development (MTEDD) in April 2021. This initiative, supported by five United Nations agencies, embodies Morocco’s commitment to a transition towards greener and more inclusive paths.
Objective of the conference
PAGE Green Crossroads 2023 aims to stimulate reflection and accelerate the transition to a green economy in Morocco. The objective of the conference is to present the PAGE mechanism, mobilise decision-makers, create platforms for debate, strengthen synergies, increase the visibility of actions undertaken and raise awareness of green economy issues within the media community. It is the crossroads where the various sectors and players meet to harmonise their actions and efforts towards the green transition of the Moroccan economy.
Conference programme
The conference will bring together high-level participants, including representatives of PAGE, the United Nations System in Morocco, the Moroccan Government and key donors. The event will be launched with a plenary session open to the public upon registration and broadcast live on social networks.
Working sessions will begin after the opening plenary, focusing on key thematic areas for the transition to a green economy. Each thematic session will be organised in partnership with one of the five United Nations agencies participating in PAGE, ensuring constructive and dynamic discussions.
Each individual thematic session will have between 40 and 60 participants to ensure dynamic and constructive exchanges and will be aligned with ongoing and upcoming activities under the PAGE implementation workplan of Morocco 2023-2024.
The conference will address a number of key themes, such as the macroeconomic dimensions of the transition to a green economy, green and climate finance, learning for an inclusive green economy, sustainable waste management, decarbonisation of industry, green jobs, skills and entrepreneurship for the transition to a green economy, access to renewable energy, energy production, and management of water, biodiversity and natural resources.
PAGE Green Crossroads 2023 promises to be a key event for exchanging ideas on strategies and concrete actions to promote a green economy in Morocco.