Green Economy Week 2019 in Kyrgyz Republic

Table of Contents
11 November 2019 - 17 November 2019
This event is organized by the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic in cooperation with Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and UN agencies’ initiative Partnership
Action for Green Economy (PAGE).
Language: Kyrgyz/Russian/English (please refer to the attached program of the Green Week)
Registration: (please refer to the registration information of respective events within the Green Week)
The promotion of green economy is a necessity to ensure the sustainable development of the country. The
Government of the Kyrgyz Republic intends to promote “green” initiatives aimed at achieving sustainable
development, improving the quality of human life, social justice, efficient use of resources and at a wider
application of environmentally sound technologies and innovations.
In 2012, the Kyrgyz Government prepared the report on the perspectives for green economy development
in the Kyrgyz Republic, which was presented at the UN Conference “Rio+20”. In this document, the Kyrgyz
Government emphasized the importance of changing the old approaches by formulating economic, social
and ecological policies, and identified the necessity for transitioning to a green economy model. Thereby,
the Kyrgyz Republic declared its commitment to promoting sustainable development on the margins of the
UN Conference “Rio+20” in 2012.
The principles of sustainable development then became the basis for the national strategy for sustainable
development (2013–2017) in 2012. In 2015, the Kyrgyz Government adopted the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development and in May 2016 joined the UN Partnership for Action on Green Economy
(PAGE) initiative. Recognizing the importance of moving towards a “greener” economy, the Parliament of
the Kyrgyz Republic developed and approved the concept “Kyrgyzstan – a country of green economy” in
June 2018. Furthermore, the President Office approved the National Development Strategy for 2018–2040,
which envisions the development of a competitive economy with a focus on the application of innovative
and environmentally friendly technologies, by Presidential Decree in November 2018.
Currently, within the framework of the Green Economy Development Program in the Kyrgyz Republic for
the period from 2019 to 2023, priority sectors1 have been identified through which, as a matter of priority,
it is expected to ensure the transition to “green” development.
The process of transforming the current economic development model into a sustainable one requires the
active involvement of all stakeholders. Therefore, in order to discuss priority measures for promoting green
economy in the selected sectors, the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic represented by the Ministry of
Economy has initiated the organization and conduction of the Green Economy Week 2019, which will be
held in the Kyrgyz Republic from November 11th to 17th, 2019.
The Green Economy Week 2019 in the Kyrgyz Republic will contribute to: raising public awareness on
green economy issues; providing an opportunity to focus the attention and efforts of all stakeholders on the
priority sectors of the Green Economy Development Program; identifying niches for potential interventions
and coordination among stakeholders specifically for the development of regions of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The issues pertaining to sustainable regional development and approaches to advance green economic
measures in the regions of the country will be given a special emphasis during the Week. Discussions, new
ideas and proposals for developing green economy for sustainable development of the regions will be
presented in a special plenary session at the Forum, which will be held on November 15, 2019 in Bishkek.
Main Objective
Dialogue facilitation between all stakeholders in promoting the principles of green
economy and demonstration of the benefits and opportunities from their use for the development of the
regions of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Tasks and Expected Outcomes
• Coordination of the efforts and initiatives of all existing and potential stakeholders in the
implementation of the Green Economy Development Program until 2023;
• Encourage potential stakeholders to implement “green” initiatives, particularly in the regions of the
Kyrgyz Republic and in line with the priority sectors;
• Raising awareness on the benefits and opportunities of green economy for regional development;
• Acquaintance with the experience of other countries in promoting green economy and green
• Participants of the Green Economy Week (private sector, public sector and civil society) are informed
about the green economy transition measures and initiatives in the selected priority sectors;
• Efforts and initiatives on green economy development in line with the priority sectors in the Kyrgyz
Republic are mobilized;
• Opportunities for the experience and information exchange, building networks and partnerships for
participants of the Green Economy Week are provided.
Participants and Planned Activities
• Participation of stakeholder representatives (including Kyrgyz regions) from:
– business associations
– private sector
– public sector
– civil society and expert communities
– international organizations
– mass media
– academia
– other stakeholders.
• November 11 – events and activities on Sustainable Tourism and Green Transport
• November 12 – events and activities on Green Agriculture and Natural Ecosystems
• November 13 – events and activities on Green Energy and Industry
• November 14 – events and activities on Mechanisms to support the transition process
• November 15 – Green Forum – 2019 “Green Economy – Strong regions – Sustainable development
of the country”
• November 16, 17 – awareness raising activities
*Final list of events of the each day of the Green Economy Week will be finalized by the Ministry of
Economy of KR by the beginning of October, 2019
*Initiators of respective events within the Green Economy Week are responsible for the preparation and
conduction of these events. The Ministry of Economy of KR is responsible for the overall coordination of
the “Green Economy Week 2019”.
Contact: Mr. Ermek Beksultanov, Ministry of Economy of KR
Office phone : +996 312 62 05 35 (+5034)
Mobile phone : +996 707 90 00 90