GAIN Conference: Just Transition

6 December 2017 - 7 December 2017
The Green Jobs Assessment Institutions Network (GAIN) is hosting his second conference this year the 6 and 7 December 2017. The conference will highlight both the positive and negative social and employment related outcomes of the Paris Agreement and structural change away from fossil fuel and a resource intensive economic growth model. While a just transition towards green societies and economies has the potential to create millions of jobs, it is necessary to also focus on regions falling into long term unemployment and decline, assessing their potentials, labour skills and needs.
As GAIN gets older and for the first time, it will have a ‘call for papers’ to select, present and discuss your work. Please share abstract no more than 250 words by 25 November 2017. In terms of topics, this first edition will focus on ‘Just Transition’.
GAIN broadly understand it as analysing employment and social impacts of economic restructuring and/or response measures. However, we accept a broad range of topics related to the Environment-Climate-Jobs nexus. A good literature overview is as valuable as using international organizations (IO) to quantify jobs and estimate the cost of social protection for economic restructuring and transition.
Another novelty is a starting collaboration with the International Input Output Association IIAO , the global reference and network on IO research. The call for papers will be posted on their website and we consider options for their participation.
GAIN is a network of policy research institutions and experts that analyses social and employment-related outcomes of greening policies. It assists ILO constituents into undertaking green jobs assessments based on nationally build macroeconomic models. Thereby, it offers a effective tool and evidence base in guiding policy-making.