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PAGE in Rwanda
Rwanda joined PAGE as a new partner country in 2022. Rwanda’s economy highly depends on the health of its natural resources. For this reason, Rwanda decided to invest in their efficient and sustainable use including the efforts to combat climate change effects to guide its economic growth and development. As outlined in its vision 2050 “the Rwanda we want”, the country aims at becoming an upper middle-income country by 2035 and a low carbon and high-income country by 2050. In 2011, Rwanda adopted the National Green Growth and Climate Resilience Strategy (GGCRS) and in 2020 it submitted its revised Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement to the UNFCCC. Rwanda’s partnership with PAGE will enable the country to accelerate the implementation of the national vision-2050, National Strategy for Transformation, Green Growth and Climate Resilience Strategy, NDC, as well as National Economic Recovery Plan after the COVID19 pandemic.

General view of northwestern Rwanda – Photo Credit 2009 CIAT Neil Palmer
PAGE Milestones
- 2024
Release of the stocktaking study on inclusive green economy
- 2023
In the framework of the Word Circular Economy Forum 2022, PAGE met with H.E. Minister of State in Charge of Economic Planning Dr Uwera and the Minister of Environment Dr. Jean d’Arc Mujawamariya. PAGE contributed to the panel discussion on “Small green enterprise in East Africa, powering a circular economy transition”.
- 2022