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Peru, located on South America’s west coast, has leveraged its resource-rich territory—over 50% forested—for economic growth, but this has come at the cost of significant environmental degradation and rising inequalities. With the support of PAGE, which commenced in 2014, Peru has made significant efforts to not only offset the balance between economic growth and environmental preservation, but to turn its sustainability concerns into drivers of government policy and long-term prosperity.

  1. 2023

    PAGE strengthened the capacity of the Regional Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, BIOINNOVA San MartÌn, a local business development services provider that delivers green entrepreneurship training to start-ups

    PAGE and the Ministry of Production developed a study to identify products that can contribute to diversification and sustainability in the industry sector

  2. 2021

    Green jobs dialogue held with political parties on opportunities for green employment, in the lead up to the 2021 Peruvian elections

    National Policy for Decent Jobs approved, with specific mention of green jobs and just transition

  3. 2020

    The first course on “Inclusive Green Economy Modelling” offered at the Universidad de Pacifico, Peru 

    ‘On the road to Green Growth’ event held with closing ceremony for PAGE and discussion on green economy recovery pathways 

  4. 2019

    National Plan for Competitiveness and Productivity approved, with specific milestones on environmental sustainability

    National sustainability plan finalised as phase out period commences

  5. 2018

    National Teleworking Strategy adopted with a supporting Plan

    National application of the Integrated Green Economy Modelling (IGEM) framework commences including series of trainings

    Circular Economy Roadmap for Industry adopted

    National Competitiveness and Productivity Policy adopted, with an objective on environmental sustainability

  6. 2017

    Report ‘Quantitative Illustration of the Contribution of Policies that Promote Environmental Sustainability to the SDGs’, conducted by the University of the Pacific with the support of PAGE

    Development of the Green Industry Policy commenced through a series of Green Industry Forums

  7. 2016

    Guidelines for Green Growth approved, laying the foundation for the adoption of green growth

  8. 2015

    Formulation of a National Green Employment Plan initiated

  9. 2014

    PAGE work commenced in Peru and established a National Steering Committee

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