
Table of Contents
PAGE in India
After recording GDP growth of around 7-8 percent for several years, India has started to witness an economic slowdown. The country is also facing acute environmental challenges, including climate variability, poor air quality, over-exploitation of groundwater, water scarcity, increasing inland and coast salinity, land degradation, and increased intensity of climate extreme events. These have adversely affected economic performance and resulted in increased poverty, unemployment and poor health. India joined PAGE in 2018 and is now a Continuing Country.

Sustainable Development
PAGE activities in India are contributing towards the achievement of SDGs 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), 13 (Climate Action) and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).

PAGE Milestones
- 2024
Government notifies New Eco-Mark Certification Rules
- 2022
To support the government in greening India’s manufacturing sector and reorienting it towards SDG targets, PAGE India convened a policy dialogue on “Unlocking inclusive & green manufacturing growth and diversification in India”.
Green Room Air Conditioners launched on the Government-e-Marketplace
Study on ‘Shaping India’s Inclusive and Green Economy’ in the manufacturing sector finalized
National Steering Committee for PAGE India established
PAGE invited to lead a thematic session at the Green Economy Coalition’s annual global meeting in India
PAGE co-hosted webinar on ‘Building Back Better: Greening the Economic Recovery Package of the Government of India’
Sustainability training for Indian Railways officials
First official National Steering Committee meeting and launch of Stocktaking Study
National coordinator hired to support PAGE work
Three sub-national workshops related to the stocktaking held to identify sub-national priorities
National workshop conducted in New Delhi to further refine the priorities identified in the sub-national consultations
A draft green economy stocktaking study developed
“Task Force on Environmental Sustainability” formed with PAGE assistance, to support green transition of Indian Railways
- 2018
India joins PAGE
Joint PAGE inception mission and two-day workshop held in New Delhi
Policy Brief on Resource Efficiency launched by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC)
PAGE Impact: 2019-2020 and Beyond
India News & Events
Knowledge Hub
India Assessment of green jobs and decent work opportunities in Textile Garment Sector in Jharkhand
2023India: Employment and environmental sustainability factsheet – ILO
Assessment of India’s Green Jobs and Just Transition Readiness
Discussion Paper on Sustainable Consumption and Production and the Circular Economy in India