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Clock tower in Guatemalan city center

Guatemala is the largest Central American economy, with strong growth but limited progress in tackling inequality and poverty. Its national income depends on agriculture, a few key exports, and remittances. The country faces significant challenges from climate change, natural resource depletion, deforestation, and pollution, which worsen socio-economic vulnerabilities and social exclusion. In 2018, Guatemala joined PAGE with the aim of reformulating economic policies to prioritize sustainability, support tax reform, facilitate a just transition, and generate green jobs. In recent years, with PAGE support, Guatemala started promoting a greener economy with its Environmental Fiscal Strategy, proposing fiscal instruments to better price environmentally harmful activities and boost sustainable public procurement.

PAGE work in Guatemala aims to contribute towards the achievement of several SDGs, including SDGs 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), 13 (Climate Action), 15 (Life on Land) and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).

  1. 2025

    The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources leads the First Circular Economy Congress, in Guatemala City, to explore innovative solutions for waste management

  2. 2024

    First Green Jobs Fair in Guatemala

  3. 2023

    Guatemala in collaboration with PAGE organises the High-Level Green Economy Forum in March 2023

  4. 2022

    The Ministry of Public Finance made official the launch of the Partnership for Action on Green Economy.


  5. 2021

    Release of an analysis on the effects of COVID-19 on the green economy of Guatemala, coordinated by the UNRCO Economist.

    PAGE developed an environmental public expenditure classification guide to support local municipalities to improve transparency in the monitoring and classifying of public expenditure in key areas.

  6. 2018

    Guatemala joins PAGE

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