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Argentina Juan Cruz Mountford

Argentina has the third-largest economy in Latin America. While the economy is well-diversified, it has recently experienced a slowdown in economic progress with low growth and a rise in unemployment. Fluctuations in growth, recessions, and exchange rate crises resulted in sudden changes in regulatory frameworks, the deterioration of productive factors and significantly impacted investments in technological change and productivity. This has led the government to pursue structural changes that can facilitate growth, employment and sustainability within the context of an inclusive, green economy. In 2018, PAGE work started in Argentina to contribute to the country’s green economy transition.

  1. 2024

    PAGE celebrated five years of accomplishments in Argentina during a meeting in Buenos Aires that brought together participants and key stakeholders.

    PAGE contributed to the Argentine Industrial Union (UIA) course on Sustainable Productivity for SMEs, offering practical guidance on integrating green practices into business operations and the ‘Just Transition and Green Jobs in the Collective Bargaining Agenda in Argentina’ training at the University of San Martín.

  2. 2023

    Argentina published its National Strategy for the Development of a Hydrogen Economy.

    Launch of the first call for projects on “Innovative solutions for an inclusive and gender-sensitive employment recovery oriented to the transition to the formal economy in Argentina”. Six proposals were awarded as part of this call with the aim to boost formal employment through green jobs in the country.

    The government of Argentina launched the Green Jobs Programme, focusing on decent work and environmental sustainability.

  3. 2022
  4. 2021

    PAGE finalized a National Green Jobs Promotion Strategy and Roadmap which provides concrete actions for greening the active labour market policies of the country.

  5. 2020

    Study on “Linkages between the 2030 Agenda and Just Transition for Green Recovery” finalized

    Formation of two boards within the National Cabinet of Ministers on Climate Change: on Just Transition and Labour and on Sustainable Production

    Green Economy Indicators developed for the National Center of Environmental Information of the Ministry of Environment

    First Tripartite High-Level Dialogue Event on Green Economy and Just Transition held

  6. 2019

    PAGE co-organized a Green Jobs Fair with tripartite constituencies and the Ministries of Environment, and Production and Labour

    First South-South exchange forum on technology as a tool for global education on green economy co-organised by PAGE Uruguay and Argentina

  7. 2018

    Argentina joins PAGE and National Steering Committee established

    1. Preview of Argentina Results (EN)pdf

      Argentina Results (EN)

    2. Preview of Argentina – Empleo Verde – Shades of Green (ES)

      Argentina – Empleo Verde – Shades of Green (ES)

    3. Preview of Argentina – Empleo Verde – Green jobs in production and service processes (ES)

      Argentina – Empleo Verde – Green jobs in production and service processes (ES)

    4. Preview of Argentina Final Report on the fiscal impact of the national circular economy plan and roadmap (ES)pdf

      Argentina Final Report on the fiscal impact of the national circular economy plan and roadmap (ES)

    5. Preview of Argentina Green Recovery Progresspdf

      Argentina Green Recovery Progress

    6. Preview of Argentina Inventory of Policies related to Green Economypdf

      Argentina Inventory of Policies related to Green Economy

    7. Preview of Argentina Labour Diagnostic of the Just Transition towards a Green Economypdf

      Argentina Labour Diagnostic of the Just Transition towards a Green Economy

    8. Preview of Argentina Implementation of a national digital circular economy system (ES)pdf

      Argentina Implementation of a national digital circular economy system (ES)

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