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Graduating Country

Independence Square Montevideo

Uruguay ranks high in the Latin American region in terms of human development and opportunity, and national progress is supported by institutional stability and inclusive social policies. In recent years, the government has integrated sustainable, inclusive and green development into its core pillars of economic development, setting ambitious goals for equality, environment and a diversified economy. Uruguay joined PAGE in 2017 and celebrated five years of programme implementation in October 2022. It is now a Graduating Country.

PAGE activities in Uruguay are contributing towards the achievement of SDGs 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), 13 (Climate Action) and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals), as well as Uruguay’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the Paris Agreement. PAGE was also selected as an example of action on SDG 17 as part of Uruguay’s Voluntary National Review (VNR) presented at the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) in July 2019. 

  1. 2024

    Launch of National Circular Economy Strategy

  2. 2022

    Uruguay hosts the Circular Economy Awards. The event is supported by PAGE Uruguay, the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining along with national partners.

    Lessons learned and perspectives of the Inclusive Green Economy – 5 years of PAGE event

  3. 2020

    Workshop conducted in collaboration with BioValor Project for primary school teachers in Summer School of Plan Ceibal

    New government authorities take office

    Virtual breakfast meeting held to disseminate national IGE advances, jointly with GIZ and the Inter-institutional Working Group

    Green Economy Learning Assessment and Capacity-Building Plan completed

    Circular Opportunities Sectoral Fund launched as part of the “Uruguay Circular Program’

    Second Uruguay Circular Award Ceremony held by PAGE

    Sustainable Entrepreneurship Training Programme for youth held in collaboration with GIZ and DESEM

  4. 2019

    First Circular Economy Award for Latin America and the Caribbean held in Uruguay

    National Development Strategy Uruguay 2050 officially announced, including environmental components supported by PAGE

    National Circular Economy Action Plan published

    Work commenced on institutionalizing green economy training into the curricula of the National Institute for Employment and Professional Training

    National Environmental Plan for Sustainable Development approved

  5. 2018

    Analysis of available Macroeconomic Models to be used for Uruguay’s Environmental Policy Impact Assessment completed

    PAGE supported the Director of the Office of Planning and Budget to present the Voluntary National Review for Uruguay at the High-Level Political Forum in New York

    Learning needs workshop held in Montevideo with more than 50 participants

    Training course on the analysis of international markets for waste products within global value chains

    Reports produced on the artisanal brick industry, highlighting shortcomings in working conditions

  6. 2017

    PAGE launched in Uruguay

    Planning workshop hosted by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining to set the priorities for PAGE work

    National Steering Committee established

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