- National Green Development Policy
- Sustainable Development Vision 2030 (SDV)
- Action program of the Government of Mongolia 2016-2020
- Action plan for the National Green Development Policy (NGDP)
- Orkhon Aimag Medium-Term Strategy for Green and Sustainable Development
- Green development indicators
- Dornogovi AIMAG in process of approving development vision on SDGs, SDV and NGDP
- Action Plan for Education for Sustainable Development (Ministries of Environment and Tourism and Education) and Higher Education Policy informed by the PAGE Green Economy Learning Strategy
- “Ger and Nature” Scheme
- Renewed Law of Mongolia on Waste Management (May 2017)
- National Construction Sector Policy (transformed from national building code)
- Amendment to the Law of Mongolia on Public Procurement, including Sustainable Public Procurement Action Plan
- National Competitiveness and Productivity Policy(further operationalized through the National Competitiveness and Productivity Plan)
- Guidelines for Green Growth
- National Green Growth Strategy for 2016-2021
- Consolidated Regional Development Plan of San Martin
- Regional plans for youth employment (La Libertad)
- Regional plans for youth employment (Cajamarca)
- Creation of the Urban Transport Authority (by Law)
- National Strategy for teleworking and National Pact
- Circular Economy Roadmap for Industry
- National Green Jobs Plan, Part of the National Employment Promotion Policy
- National Decent Employment Policy
- Action Plan for Promoting Eco- and Bio Businesses in San Martin
- Plan Senegal Emergent
- National Strategic Guidance Document on Green Economy
- National Strategy for Sustainable Development
- Plan Senegal Emergent II
- Priority Action Plan 2019-2023 (Phase II)
- Priority Action Plan 2014-2018 (Phase I)
- Decree on National Platform on Green Economy
- National Green Jobs Strategy, as part of National Employment Policy
- Adoption of the Law on the Distribution and Management of Revenue from the Exploitation of Hydrocarbons (2022)
- Ghana Shared Growth and Development Agenda II (GSGDA II)
- The Coordinated Programme of Economic and Social Development Policies 2017-2024
- New Medium-term development plan from 2018
- National Climate Change Policy (NCCP)
- National Strategy on Green Jobs (linked to Ghana’s National employment Policy)
39. Three Year Strategic Plan 2017/2018-2019/2020
40. The 2018-2019 national budget, Pursuing our Transformative Journey
41. Marshall Plan Against Poverty (Volume 1 and Volume 2)
Burkina Faso
- National Strategy for Green Economy 2018-2027
- Action Plan for Green Economy
- National Programme for Economic and Social Development (PNDES 2016-2020)
- National development plan for the period 2021-2025 (PNDES 2)
- National Rural Sector Programme II
- National Industrial Strategy and Action Plan
- Strategy and Action Plan for Sustainable Management and Export of Non-Timber Forest Products
Jiangsu Province, China
South Africa
- Green Economy Accord 2011
- National Development Plan 2030
- Medium-Term Strategic Framework 2014-2019
- Industrial Policy Action Plan
- Modelling on water-biodiversity nexus linked to Master Water Plan from the Department of Water and Sanitation
- Revision of the Municipal Integrated Waste Management Planning Guidelines
Kyrgyz Republic
- National Sustainable Development Strategy 2018-2040
- Accompanying five-year Government programme Unity, Trust, Creation
- Decree to promote the image of Kyrgyz Republic as a country of green economy
- Decree “On the Foreign Policy Concept of the Kyrgyz Republic (prioritizing green economy)” and an updated Foreign Policy Concept
- National Plan further operationalized by the National Green Economy Programme
- National Development Programme 2022-2026
Mato Grosso, Brazil
- Produce, Conserve and Include Strategy
- State Integrated System of Family Agriculture
- “Salto de Ceu” Municipality Participatory Master Plans for Sustainable Development
- Management Plan for the Historic Center of Cuiaba to preserve historic monuments and create jobs
- Strategic Plan for the Development of Renewable Energies in Mato Grosso, 2019
- Review and update of the state’s policy strategy for the forest-based industry
- Strategy for Green Jobs/Employment
- National Development Strategy, Uruguay 2050
- National Circular Economy Action Plan
- National Integrated Waste Management Plan
- National Law on Integrated Waste Management
- National Environmental Plan for Sustainable Development
- National plan of promotion of employment (with a green jobs dimension)
- Green State Development Strategy
- National Development Strategy 2050
- Green Economy Concept
- National Project “Green Kazakhstan”
- Revised Strategic Plan for Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025
- Carbon Neutrality Strategy 2060
- The new Kazakhstan Environmental Code (EcoCode)
- Guidelines for conducting strategic and environmental impact assessments (SEA/EIA)
- Argentinean Productivity Plan 2030 for Inclusive and Green Transition, including National Green Productive Development Programme
- Green Jobs Promotion Strategy
- Programme for the Development of the Circular Economy (Programa para el Desarrollo de la Economia Circular); an official resolution of the ‘Argentinean Productivity Plan 2030 for Inclusive and Green Transition’
- The Labour Adaptation Plan for the Sustainable Construction Sector
- Federal Circular Economy Plan
- National Green Jobs Programme
- Revision of 2019 Decree on Waste Imports (Digital Register for Recycling Industry)
- National Strategy for the Promotion of the Low-Carbon Hydrogen Energy in Argentina
- National Implementation Strategy for the Escazú Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
- Environmental Fiscal Strategy
- Low Carbon Development Initiative, Phase 1 and 2 (Initiative related to RPJMN)
- Medium Term National Development Plan RPJMN 2020-2024
- Green Recovery Roadmap (2021-2024)
- Regional Low Carbon Development Plan – West Java Province
98. 13th National Economic and Social Development Plan (NESDP) 2022-2026 adopted in October 2022