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PAGE 2023 Annual Report

A person in a yellow shirt holding a red cloth

PAGE is supported by the generous contributions of its partners. Their support, financial and in-kind contributions are integral to enabling countries to transform their economies into drivers of sustainability. Contributions and pledges total US$108.75 million.

Total contributions: $108.75M
European Union$29.43M
Republic of Korea$9.53M
United Arab Emirates**$1.03M
South Africa**$500K
In-kind contributions from PAGE partners***$12.15M

* includes support to PAGE outside of its Trust Fund, aligned with the PAGE programme, ** in-kind, *** estimated value

  • European Commission
  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
  • Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment
  • Swiss Confederation Federal Department of Economic Affairs FDEA State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO
  • United Arab Emirates Ministry of Climate Change & Environment
  • 10YFP
  • Green Economy Coalition logo
  • Global Green Growth Institute
  • Green Growth Knowledge Partnership
  • Switch Africa Green
  • Switch Asia
  • UNEP Finance Initiative
  • Inquiry: Design of a Sustainable Financial System
  • UN-REDD Programme
  • Poverty-Environment Action for Sustainable Development Goals
  • One Planet Handle with Care
  • SEED Promoting Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development
  • NDCP logo
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