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PAGE 2023 Annual Report

A person in a yellow shirt holding a red cloth


  • Arkhangai Provincial Government (local government) 
  • Bayankhongor Provincial Government (local government) 
  • Consortium of Economics and Business Schools of Mongolia (BEST)  
  • Construction Development Center 
  • Doronogovi Aimag 
  • Economic Policy and Competitiveness Research Center (EPCRC) 
  • Gobi-Altai Provincial Government (local government) 
  • Green Building Council  
  • Ministry of Construction and Urban Development  
  • Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports  
  • Ministry of Energy  
  • Ministry of Environment and Tourism  
  • Ministry of Finance  
  • Ministry of Health 
  • Ministry of Road and Transportation Development   
  • Mongolian Bankers Association  
  • Mongolian Consortium of Higher Education Institutions  
  • Mongolian Energy Economics Institute (MEEI)  
  • Mongolian Green Finance Corporation 
  • Mongolian Marketing Research Institute  
  • Mongolian Sustainable Finance Association (MSFA) 
  • Mongolian Tourism Organization (state-owned enterprize) 
  • Mongolian University of Science and Technology  
  • National Academy of Governance 
  • National Adaptation Planning Group 
  • National Development Agency  
  • National Statistics Office  
  • National University of Commerce and Business  
  • National University of Mongolia 
  • Orkhon Aimag 
  • Otgontenger University 
  • Representatives of herders 
  • State University of Agriculture  
  • Sustainable Tourism Development Center (NGO) 
  • Ulaanbaatar Mayor’s Office  
  • University of Finance and Economics  


  • BioInnova San Martin 
  • Confederación Nacional de Instituciones Empresariales Privadas (CONFIEP) 
  • Forest and Wildlife Service (SERFOR) 
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (MINAGRI) 
  • Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) 
  • Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion (MTPE) 
  • Ministry of Production (PRODUCE) 
  • Ministry of the Environment (MINAM) 
  • Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) 
  • National Center for Strategic Planning (CEPLAN) 
  • National Institute of Statistics and Information (INEI) 
  • Regional Environmental Authority of San Martín 
  • Regional government of Piura, Arequipa, La Libertad and Cajamarca  
  • Regional Government of San Martin 
  • Regional Management of Economic Development 
  • Trade unions (CGTP, CUT, CTP, CATP) 
  • Universidad del Pacífico 


  • Center for Economic Development Policy of the Ministry of Economy and Finance 
  • Centre d’Études des Sciences et Techniques de l’Information (CESTI) 
  • Centre for Policy Studies for Development (CEPOD) 
  • Direction des Eaux, Forêts, Chasse et Conservation des Sols 
  • Directorate of Employment 
  • Ecole Nationale d’Administration 
  • Economic, Social and Environmental Council 
  • Green Senegal 
  • High Council for Social Dialogue 
  • Institute of Environmental Science (ISD)  
  • Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development 
  • Ministry of Industrial Development and Small and Medium Industries 
  • Responsabilité sociétale des entreprises (RSE) 


  • Business Mauritius 
  • Civil Service College of Mauritius 
  • Food and Agricultural Research and Extension Institute 
  • International Institute for Environment and Development 
  • Mauritius Institute of Education 
  • Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security 
  • Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms (MCSAR) 
  • Ministry of Education and Human Resources  
  • Ministry of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change 
  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Development  
  • Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Consumer Protection  
  • Ministry of Labour 
  • Ministry of Social Integration, Social Security and National Solidarity 
  • Ministry of Tourism 
  • National Production and Competitiveness Council 
  • Rodrigues Commission for Environment 
  • Stock Exchange of Mauritius 
  • Trade Unions  
  • University of Mauritius 


  • Association of Ghana Industries 
  • Bank of Ghana 
  • Environmental Protection Agency 
  • Forestry Commission 
  • Ghana Association of Bankers 
  • Ghana Education Service   
  • Ghana Statistical Service 
  • Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSR) 
  • Ministry for Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI) 
  • Ministry of Employment and Labour Relation 
  • Ministry of Finance 
  • National Cleaner Production Centre 
  • National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) 
  • Private Enterprise Federation 
  • University of Ghana Business School 

Burkina Faso 

  • Centre for Social and Economic Studies and Research 
  • Ecole nationale des Eaux et Forets 
  • Maison de l’Enterprise 
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Hydro-agricultural Developments 
  • Ministry of Animal Resources, and Fisheries 
  • Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism 
  • Ministry of Education 
  • Ministry of Environment, Green Economy and Climate Change 
  • Ministry of Finance and Economy 
  • Ministry of Tourism, Art and Culture 
  • Ministry of Youth and Employment 
  • Université of Ouagadougou II (CEDRES, Centre d’études, de documentation et de recherche économique et sociale) 

Jiangsu Province, China 

  • Fujian Normal University  
  • Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development (IESD) 
  • Jiangsu International Environmental Development Center  
  • Ministry of Environmental Protection 
  • Ministry of Human Resources and Human Security 
  • Ministry of Industry and Information Technology 
  • Nanjing University 
  • Suzhou University of Science and Technology 
  • The Policy Research Center for Environment and Economy  
  • University of International Business and Economics (UIBE)  
  • Zhejiang University 

South Africa 

  • Business Unity South Africa  
  • Congress of South African Trade Unions 
  • Department of Environment Affairs 
  • Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) 
  • Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation 
  • Department of Science and Technology  
  • Department of Trade and Industry 
  • Energy and Water Sector Education and Training Authority (EWSETA) 
  • Fibre Processing and Manufacturing Sector Education Training Authority (FP&M SETA) 
  • Green Talent, Sustainability Institute, Pinpoint Sustainability, Creating Sustainable Value and EnigMatrix  
  • iSpani 
  • Ministry of Finance  
  • Ministry of Labour 
  • National Business Initiative 
  • National Labour Economic Development Institute  
  • National Planning Commission 
  • National Statistics Office (Statistics South Africa) 
  • Rhodes and Wits Universities in Green Skills  
  • School of Governance, Wits Univerisity 
  • The Center for Environmental Management (CEM) at North-West University (NWU)  
  • Trade and Industrial Policy Strategies  


  • Barbados Community College (BCC) 
  • Barbados Statistical Service 
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security 
  • Ministry of Environment and National Beautification  
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade 
  • Ministry of International Business and Industry 
  • Ministry of Labour and Social Partnership Relations 
  • Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Blue Economy 
  • National Conservation Commission 
  • University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus 

Kyrgyz Republic 

  • Academy for Civil Service 
  • Alliance of Universities in Kyrgyzstan for Green Economy and Sustainable Development (AVZUR) 
  • American University of Central Asia 
  • Centre for Environment and Development (CED) 
  • Climate Finance Center (CFC) 
  • International University of Kyrgyzstan 
  • Kyrgyz Economic University 
  • Kyrgyz National Agrarian University 
  • Kyrgyz State Law Academy 
  • Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transportation and Architecture 
  • Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University 
  • Military Institute of the Armed Forces 
  • Ministry of Economy and Commerce 
  • Ministry of Education 
  • Ministry of Finance 
  • Ministry of Labour and Social Protection 
  • National Bank and Investment Authority 
  • National Statistics Office 
  • State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry 
  • State Committee for Industry, Energy and Subsoil Use  
  • State University Under President’s Control (AGUPKR) 
  • Union of Banks 
  • University of Central Asia 
  • Young Entrepreneurs Association 

Mato Gross, Brazil 

  • Academy of Architecture and Urbanism (AAU) 
  • Amazon Environmental Research Institute  
  • Association of Agronomists (AEA) 
  • Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Enterprises-Mato Grosso (SEBRAE-MT) 
  • Civil House of Mato Grosso 
  • Desenvolve MT Agência de Fomento do Estado de Mato Grosso S/A 
  • Family Agriculture and Traditional Peoples and Communities Sub-Programme 
  • Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Mato Grosso 
  • Federal University of Mato Grosso 
  • Federation of Industries of Mato Grosso State 
  • Life Center Institute (ICV) 
  • Mato Grosso Meat Institute  
  • Mato Grosso Municipality Association  
  • Mato Grosso State Court of Audit  
  • Mato Grosso State Legislative Assembly  
  • State International Advisory 
  • State Secretariat for Economic Development 
  • State Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation 
  • State Secretariat of Family Farming and Land Affairs -Family Farming Secretary  
  • State Secretariat of Social Assistance and Citizenship 
  • State Secretariat of Tourism  
  • State Secretary for Environment 
  • State Secretary for Smallholder Agriculture 
  • State Secretary of Planning  
  • State Technical Unit for Land Credit 
  • State University of Mato Grosso 
  • UFR – Federal University of Rondonópolis  


  • Catholic University of Uruguay (UCU) 
  • Cerro Technological Industrial Park (PTI) 
  • DESEM Junior Achievement 
  • Faculty of Engineering in the University of Republic  
  • Foundation of the University of Uruguay 
  • Latin-American Centre of Human Economics (CLAEH)  
  • Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) 
  • Ministry of Environment 
  • Ministry of Housing, Land Use Planning and Environment (MVOTMA) 
  • Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining 
  • Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MTSS)  
  • Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries (MGAP) 
  • Ministry of National Defense (MDN) 
  • Ministry of Public Health (MSP) 
  • Ministry of Tourism 
  • National Agency for Research and Innovation 
  • National Association of Development-Oriented NGOs (ANONG) 
  • National Institute for Employment and Professional Training (INEFOP)  
  • National Office of the Civil Service 
  • National School of Public Administration 
  • National Secretary of Environment, Water and Climate Change (SNAACC) 
  • National Secretary of Productive Transformation (TRANSFORMA URUGUAY) 
  • Office of Planning and Budget (OPP) 
  • Pando Scientific and Technological Park (PCTP) 
  • PIT-CNT (Labour unions) 
  • Plan Ceibal 
  • Technological University of Uruguay (UTU)  
  • University of Montevideo (UM) 
  • University of the Republic 
  • Uruguayan Agency of International Cooperation (AUCI) 
  • Uruguayan Chamber of Industries (CIU) 


  • Georgetown Chamber of Industry and Commerce 
  • Guyana Bureau of Statistics  
  • Guyana Energy Agency 
  • Guyana Manufacturing and Service Association 
  • Guyana Women Miners Organization 
  • Ministry of Agriculture  
  • Ministry of Business 
  • Ministry of Education 
  • Ministry of Finance 
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs 
  • Ministry of Legal Affairs 
  • Ministry of Natural Resources 
  • Ministry of Public Infrastructure 
  • Ministry of the Presidency (Dept. of Environment) 
  • Private Sector Commission 
  • University of Guyana 


  • Academy of Public Administration (APA) 
  • Akimat of Nur Sultan 
  • Akimat of Pavlodar 
  • Center for Strategic Initiatives 
  • Economic Research Institute 
  • Kazakhstan Association of Regional Environmental Initiatives (ECOJER). 
  • Ministry of Ecology, Geology and National Resources 
  • Ministry of Energy 
  • Ministry of Finance 
  • Ministry of National Economy 
  • Zhasyl Damu 


  • Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina 
  • Centre for Productive Studies of the Ministry of Production 
  • Chamber of Building and Construction (CAMARCO) 
  • Chamber of Gastronomics and Lodging (FEHGRA) 
  • Federal Labour Council 
  • Federal Regulatory Agency for the Gas and Energy Market 
  • Industrial Union of the Province of Buenos Aires 
  • Institute for Agricultural Technology of the Ministry of Agriculture 
  • Institute for the World of Labour of the University of Tres de Febrero 
  • Metropolitan University of Labour – Centre for Metropolitan Studies 
  • Ministry of Economy 
  • Ministry of Environment  
  • Ministry of Production and Labor 
  • Ministry of Social Development 
  • National Climate Change Secretariat 
  • National Council for Scientific and Technical Research 
  • National Institute for Statistics 
  • National Secretary for Labour Security and Safety 
  • National Stock Exchange Authority 
  • National University of Tres de Febrero 
  • Office of the Secretary of Environment and Sustainable Development 
  • Social and Economic Council of the Presidency 
  • State Secretary of Foreign Commerce  
  • Trade Union Federation for Building and Construction UOCRA 
  • Trade Union of Gastronomics and Lodging UTHGRA 
  • Trade Unions Front Against Climate Change (CGT) 
  • University of Buenos Aires  


  • Ministry of Economy 
  • Ministry of Energy and Mining 
  • Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources 
  • Ministry of Labour 
  • Ministry of Public Finance 


  • Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) 
  • Department of Environment, Government of Uttar Pradesh 
  • Department of Urban Administration and Development, Government of Madhya Pradesh 
  • Energy Efficiency Services Ltd (EESL) 
  • Environment Design Solutions 
  • Environment Management Center 
  • Environment Planning and Coordination Organization 
  • Indian Institute of Forest Management 
  • Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA) 
  • Ministry of Commerce and Industry 
  • Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change 
  • Ministry of Finance 
  • Ministry of Labour and Employment 
  • Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) 
  • Ministry of Textiles  
  • National Academy of Indian Railways 


  • Bandung Institute of Technology  
  • Environment Institute 
  • Indonesia Expert Network on Climate Change and Forestry (APIKI) 
  • Institution of Engineers Indonesia 
  • Ministry of Industry 
  • Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) 
  • National Research and Innovation Agency 
  • President University 
  • PT ASH Economic Research and Consulting Indonesia 
  • Sam Ratulangi University 
  • Universitas Bengkulu 
  • Universitas Jember 
  • University of Indonesia  
  • University of Sriwijaya  


  • AgriTech Center of Excellence 
  • Association of biological agriculture of the Rabat-Salé-Kenitra region 
  • High Commission for Planning (HCP) 
  • Ministry of Agriculture 
  • Ministry of Employment 
  • Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development 
  • Ministry of Equipment, Transport, Logistics and Water 
  • Ministry of Industry and Commerce 
  • Mohammed VI Polytechnic University – Le Centre International Hassan II de Formation à l’Environnement 
  • Moroccan Agency for Solar Renewable Energies (MASEN) 


  • Department of Agriculture 
  • Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency   
  • Department of Industrial Works 
  • Department of Skill Development 
  • Digital Economy Promotion Agency  
  • Forestry Association 
  • Governor office of 76 provinces 
  • Kasetsart University in Bangkok 
  • Loei Provincial Administration 
  • Mae Chaem District Administration 
  • Ministry of Interior 
  • National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDC)  
  • Office of Industrial Economics 
  • Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning 
  • Office of the Civil Service Commission 
  • Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning 
  • Rayong Municipality 
  • Thailand Cyber University 


  • Environment Management Authority 
  • Ministry of Environment  
  • Ministry of Finance and Economy Planning 
  • Rwanda’s Green Fund 


  • Cambodia Development Resource Institute 
  • Ministry of Environment 
  • National Council for Sustainable Development 
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