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PAGE 2023 Annual Report

A person in a yellow shirt holding a red cloth


  • The Global Green Growth Institute is co-funding work as part of the development of national GDP outcome indicators 
  • The Poverty-Environment Action and Global Green Growth Institute are providing additional support for the development of sub-national development policies 
  • The Sustainable Development Commission is funding complementary support for education for sustainable development, including trainings for media, policymakers and the public 
  • The Global Green Growth Institute is complementing PAGE support for green school buildings with support to green kindergartens 
  • Partnership with Mongolian Green Credit Fund are supporting financing for green economy 
  • EU Switch-Asia SCP Facility supporting Sustainable Public Procurement 
  • Public-private investment facility with co-financing from UNDP 
  • UNDP supported project on Budgeting for Environment related SDGs  


  • GIZ funding from the Investment Company Institute (ICI) is aligned with and contributing to the country’s workplan under PAGE. 
  • GGGI providing additional funding Environment and support to Ministry of Environment for finalization of green growth strategy based on road map developed under PAGE 
  • Joint project launched by UNEP and GIZ on “Transformation Towards a Green Economy in Cooperation with PAGE” funded by the German Ministry of Environment 


  • PAGE partners, together with the Global Green Growth Institute and the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, offer training and conduct an assessment the employment impacts of green economy policies 
  • Co-financing from the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development on training workshop for ‘assessment of the employment impacts of green economy policies’ 
  • Co-financing from the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development on 2020 Green economy days  
  • Partnership with private sector institutions in the organization of PAGE closing workshop (Banque de l’Habitat du Sénégal) 


  • UNDP forged partnership with the Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF) and GIZ which enabled the mobilization of additional $250,000 for the implementation of activities relative to the MMDAs.  


  • The African Development Bank is supporting a solid waste management strategy 
  • The Ministry of Finance is financing the PAGE-supported Marshall Plan’s Social Register (2019 PM’s budget speech) 
  • The brief on the analytical work related to green recovery completed in 2022 by the University of Mauritius was presented at the International Conference on Climate Smart Agriculture with funding from the European Union and the Australian government and sponsorship from the SUN Resorts Hotel Group. 

Burkina Faso 

  • Building on PAGE work, the Ministry of Environment, Green Economy and Climate Change is receiving funding from the Luxembourg Cooperation Agency (LuxDev) to conduct an in-depth fiscal policy study 
  • SAG financed a two-day workshop to integrate the amendments to the “National Strategy on Green Economy” following the validation workshop held in July 2018 

 Jiangsu Province, China 

  • The Embassy of Sweden in Bangkok, through a regional development cooperation programme, is supporting follow-up work to PAGE in Jiangsu Province through an ILO project on Decent Work in the Garment Sector Supply Chains in Asia 

 South Africa 

  • GIZ funding provided to support fiscal and pricing reforms on inclusive and sustainable water starting in 2017 and linked to PAGE support 
  • The Flanders Government co-financed the PAGE Ministerial Conference in January 2019 
  • GIZ/UNEP Green Transformation Project co-financed PAGE Ministerial Conference in January 2019 and follow-up activities 
  • EU funded project: Inclusive Green Economy Policy Making for SDG (implemented by UNEP) supporting Green Economy Policy Review focused on Industrial Policy Framework of South Africa 
  • GIZ has funded the Driving Force for Change II in 2022 under the Green Recovery fund. This is to support 16 enviropreneurs with business mentorship in the green economy.  


  • Support from the Global Environment Facility (for the UWI Cave Hill’s proposal for the SIDS-SIDS Green-Blue Economy Knowledge Transfer Hub 

Kyrgyz Republic 

  • Climate Finance Centre (CFC) established as a government body to attract financial resource from GCF; EBRD Grant to CFC of USD 800,000 

Mato Grosso, Brazil 

  • Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Enterprises-Mato Grosso (SEBRAE-MT) co-financed the guidelines for sustainable tourism 
  • REM Redd for early movers program (KFW fund) co-financed the work on the system for family agriculture. 
  • Municipality of Salto do Céu co-financed the Municipal Master Plans   
  • UNEMAT – State university of Mato Grosso and the Secretary of tourism co-financed the study on ethnotourism  
  • FIEMT – Federation of Industries of Mato Grosso co-financed a Training Workshop on SDG’s  
  • School of Government co-financed online course on SDGs and online course on Sustainable Constructions  


  • GIZ and PAGE ongoing collaboration on implementation of joint initiatives 
  • Collaboration between UNIDO and the National Agency of Innovation and Research on the first initiative related to the industry 4.0 and innovation 
  • Collaboration with Plan Ceibal on awareness raising and capacity strengthening on IGE  
  • Collaboration with the National Institute of Employment and Vocational Training (INEFOP) on awareness raising and capacity strengthening on Inclusive Green Economy  
  • Interamerican Development Bank (Fund in Circular Economy) 
  • Collaboration with the National Agency of Development (Uruguay Circular) on co-financing studies related to circular economy 


  • Collaboration with GIZ for the development of a Low Carbon Development Concept under a signed grant agreement of USD 50K to co-fund PAGE waste activities, 2020 
  • Collaboration with GIZ on ‘Build back better’ training for civil servants with USD 50K co-financing, 2020 
  • GIZ co-financing USD 200K to implement piloting of SEA in Kazakhstan. 
  • FAO co-financing USD 15k for the update of the Green Economy Concept 
  • UNDP co-financing USD 60k for the work on coal phase out through UNDP-GEF Project ‘Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions for Low-Carbon Urban Development’ 


  • Support from GIZ Green Economy Transformation programme 
  • ILO RBSA funding for the development of a SAM Methodology for labour impact scenarios on the NDCs 
  • ILO RBTC funding for the development of a Diploma on Just Transition and Green Economy 
  • ILO RBTC funding for an assessment on green industrial symbiosis in Argentina 
  • Capacity-building courses developed under the Ministry of Economy Platform CapacitAR have been partially funded by PAGE and partially by IADB and GIZ IREK II Programmes 
  • EU partially funded the activities that have been conducted under PAGE Argentina for local Governments, in collaboration with the Global Compact of Mayors local chapter and the Argentine Network of Municipalities against Climate Change 
  • Programa de Apoyo a la Competitividad: it includes direct transfers to MSMES who present Energy Efficiency plans, financed by the government and IADB 


  • UNEP Env. Funds resources for SPP prioritization list exercise, 2018 
  • Funding from Norway for SPP Action Plan with Ministry of Finance (2019-2020) 
  • Funding from Switch Asia II grant facility for Indian Railways (2019-2020) 


  • UNEP-GIZ Green Economy Transformation (GET) project (country work Indonesia) 


  • Two complementary ILO programmes on Advancing the Decent Work Agenda in North Africa and Promotion of Decent Work in the Agro-Industrial Sector in Morocco co-organized and co-funded a training on green jobs statistics in March 2023. 
  • The Government of Flanders has agreed a co-financing contribution to PAGE Morocco activities for 50,000 USD for the 2023 period. 


  • UNESCAP finances macro-economic modeling exercise for Inclusive Green Economy – decarbonization options analysis 
  • Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDC) supported venue for 2 days hands on training of macroeconomic model application 
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