Mato Grosso, Brazil
129. Relatório Final do Inventário Programa PAGE (Summary of Green Economy Stocktaking Exercise), 2017
130. Guidelines for Promoting Public Policies on Sustainable Tourism, 2019
131. Plano Diretor Participativo (Methodology and Guide for Implementation of Participative Municipal Development Master Plans), 2019
132. Evaluation of the Technical and Economic Potentials for Generation and Use of Renewable Energies in Mato Grosso, 2019
133. Guia do SEIAF MT – Orientação aos municípios, Consórcios Intermunicipais Consórcios Intermunicipais e demais aderentes ao Sistema (SEIAF Operational Guidelines for Monitoring Family Agriculture), 2019
134. Cultural heritage and urban analysis of the Historic Centre of the city of Cuiabá
135. Potencial de Geração de Emprego e Renda com Base em Projeções de Uma Tabela de Insumo/Produto do Perfil Econômico de Mato Grosso (Opportunities for Employment and Income Generation based on projections of an Input/Output table of the Economic Profile of Mato Grosso), 2020
136. Aprendizagem e Economis Verde Inclusiva (Green Economy Learning Needs Assessment), 2020
137. Diagnostic of Socioeconomic, Productive and Environmental Factors of the Vale do Mangaval Rural Settlement in Cáceres-MT, 2020
138. Study on current barriers and opportunities for green the forest-based sector in Mato Grosso
139. Study Evaluation of potential for sustainable systems for livestock production in Mato Grosso
140. Analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on family agriculture and traditional and indigenous communities in Mato Grosso
141. Modelling and comparing employment impacts of COVID-19 crisis and recovery policies in Brazil
142. Hacia una Economía Verde en Uruguay (Green Economy Stocktaking Study) (UNEP), 2015
143. Consultoría para el Análisis de los Modelos Disponibles de Evaluación de Impacto Macroeconómico de Políticas Ambientales (Analysis of Macroeconomic Models for Environmental Policy Impact Assessment), 2018
144. Inclusive Green Economy Statistics at the subnational level in 2021
145. Green economy at subnational level (Estadísticas de Economía Verde Inclusiva a nivel subnacional
Primer informe: análisis de los marcos teóricos y analíticos recomendados para Uruguay.)
146. Ladrilleras artesanales en Uruguay: Alcance y caracterización (Report on Labour Practices and Environmental Impacts of the Brick Industry), 2018
147. Consultoría para la Caracterización de Situaciones de Tensión entre Actividades Industriales y usos Residenciales (Consultancy Report on Addressing Tensions between Industrial and Residential Land-use Purposes), 2018
148. Análisis Estratégico del Complejo Forestal-Madera y Celulosa en Uruguay (Strategic Environmental Assessment for the Wood-Forest-Cellulose Value Chain), 2018
149. Evaluación de las implicancias de distintos escenarios futuros de la cadena de valor forestal-maderera en términos de balance de emisiones de gases de efecto (GHG scenario analysis on Forest-Wood-Cellulose Value Chain), 2019
150. Evaluation/monitoring of the National Circular Economy Plan in 2020
151. Indicatores de empleo verdes y azul en Uruguay (Report on green and blue employment indicators in Uruguay),2022
152. Guide for mainstreaming environmental perspectives in training
153. Green Economy Modelling Study, 2019
154. Green Industry and Trade Assessment, 2019
155. Green Economy Stocktaking Study, 2020
156. Фискальное стимулирование низкоуглеродного развития Республики Казахстан (Fiscal Incentives for Low-Carbon Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan), 2021
157. Second phase of Socio-Economic Impact Assessment (SEIA) of COVID-19 in Kazakhstan
158. SEA Scoping Report for Nur-Sultan city Masterplan until 2035
159. Report on Finalizing Carbon Neutrality Strategy
160. Analysis of current legislations: recommendations for expanding the range of documents subject to strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in the Republic of Kazakhstan
161. Assessment of Status and Legal Frameworks of Sustainable Public Procurement in the Republic of Kazakhstan
162. ПЛАН МЕРОПРИЯТИЙ ПО ВНЕДРЕНИЮ И РАЗВИТИЮ ОЦЕНКИ ВОЗДЕЙСТВИЯ НА ОКРУЖАЮЩУЮ СРЕДУ И МЕХАНИЗМОВ ОЦЕНКИ ТРАНСГРАНИЧНЫХ ВОЗДЕЙСТВИЙ В РЕСПУБЛИКЕ (Roadmap for the Introduction and Development of Environmental Impact Assessment and Transboundary Impact Assessment Mechanisms)
164. ОТЧЕТ: Анализ инфраструктуры РК в целях перехода на экологические нормативы (Analysis of Infrastructure for Transition to Environmental Standards), 2020
165. Narrative Report on Waste Sector Modelling
166. Draft rules for projects support under the Pavlodar regional programme for green SMEs (in Russian)
167. Context analysis for the redirection of emission payments on regional level, 2021
168. Green Economy Learning Needs Assessment for civil servants
169. Report on modelling and analysis on the impacts of reforming energy subsidies on the economy, environment and society
170. Updated policy brief on Fossil Fuel Subsidies in Kazakhstan and Options for Fiscal Measures to Stimulate Low-Carbon Development
171. Policy brief on modelling and analysis of the impacts of reforming energy subsidies
172. Assessment of impacts of the EU-CBAM on selected sectors and economy wide overall macroeconomic development + analytical tool
173. Report “Energy Transition in Monocities. Coal Phase-out Roadmap and Just Transition Action Plan for Ekibastuz (Kazakhstan)” (Analysis on coal phase-out and just transition in Kazakhstan)
174. SPP in the Republic of Kazakhstan: market readiness and product prioritization
175. Assessment on sectoral legislations on sustainable public procurement
176. SPP Criteria and Guidelines
177. Report on the Roadmap for the implementation of relevant national environmental certification in public procurement
178. Inventario de políticas relacionadas a la economía verde en la Argentina (Inventory of policies related to the green economy in Argentina)
179. La reconstrucción verde – Avances de la economía circular hacia una transición justa en Argentina (Green recovery – Progress in the circular economy towards a just transition in Argentina)
180. Estudio sobre vínculo entre ODS y la transición justa hacia una economía verde (Study on the link between SDG and the just transition to a green economy)
181. Indicadores para el diagnóstico del progreso de Argentina en su transición hacia una economía verde (Indicators for the diagnosis of Argentina’s progress in its transition towards a green economy)
182. Nuevo panorama de la economía verde en Argentina, inventario de políticas y diagnóstico laboral para una transición justa – Resumen ejecutivo (Executive summary – New panorama of the green economy in Argentina, inventory of policies and labour diagnosis
183. Publicación: Transición post COVID-19 hacia una economía verde
184. Guidelines for reporting on sustainability with the model and structure of sustainability reporting
185. Labour Impact Scenarios for the NDCs (Contribuciones determinadas a nivel nacional (NDC) y empleo:análisis de escenarios futuros posibles y su impacto sobre el mercado de trabajo en Argentina)
186. Impact study on the labour impact of the National Green Hydrogen Plan: “Quantitative measurement of labour impacts related to the value chains of green hydrogen projects”, 2023
187. Publicación: Elaboración de una estrategia de promoción del empleo verde (
188. Feasibility study for the implementation of a National Digital System on Circular Economy
189. Circular economy in waste management in Argentinian Industry
190. UNEP Study on the status and feasibility analysis for the production and export of third and fourth generation biofuels in Argentina, incl. meeting of Evaluation Committee in 2022
191. Fiscal Impact of the implementation of the National Circular Economy Plan and Roadmap: Informe final del Impacto Fiscal de la ejecución del Plan Nacional de Economía Circular y Hoja de Ruta
192. ILO: Assessment of the potential for formalization and Social Protection at the Social Economy through Green Jobs approach.
193. ILO: Assessment on the State of the art, stakeholder-mapping and opportunities for Green Jobs at the Green Hydrogen value Chain in Argentina.
194. Towards a just transition for Argentina: The perspectives of government, workers and employers
195. Argentina: Provision of Specialized Services to Support the Development of a Roadmap for Power Generation from the Sugarcane Industry, 2022
196. Argentina just transition and green jobs in collective negotiations: La transición justa y los empleos verdes en la negociación colectiva
197. Sustainability Compliance- Guidelines for SMEs of the Textile and Food Industry.
198. Guía de Eficiencia Energética para PyMEs (Guidelines for SMEs: Energy Efficiency in Industrial processes)
199. Methodological Guidelines for ESG and Finance promoting Green Public Housing (UNDP).
200. Guidance manual for industrial symbiosis
201. Handbook for local Governments: Promoting Green Jobs at local level, 2023 (UNDP)
202. Addendum to the Analysis effects of COVID-19 on the green economy of Guatemala (Addendum al informe ”Análisis de los efectos e impactos de la COVID-19 sobre la economía verde en Guatemala”), 2021
203. Guía de clasificación de gasto público municipal ambiental (Guide for the classification of environmental municipal public expenditure), 2021
204. Desarrollo de una guía para acceder al financiamiento verde y climático en Guatemala (Guide to Access Green and Climate Finance in Guatemala), 2021
205. Market readiness analysis based on priority products that were selected during the status assessment phase (under the sustainable procurement workflow). UNEP and MINFIN worked jointly on the document containing the Sustainable Criteria Proposal for four prioritized products, which was delivered in December 2022.
206. Analysis of Just Transition Opportunities and Green Jobs in Guatemala
207. Analysis of the Potential for Generating Green Jobs in the Cocoa and Tourism Value Chains in Guatemala
208. Green Economy Stocktaking Study, 2019
209. Updated report of the 2020 report in manufacturing sector: ‘Review of policy issues and challenges’ – Towards Inclusive and Green Transformation of Manufacturing in India
210. Green Economy Learning Assessments (GELA) at local level completed for two states Madhya Pradesh and Uttarakhand); presented to government counterparts for developing training and capacity building strategy on IGE.
211. Sustainable Public Procurement in India: Selection of priority products and preliminary market assessment, 2022
212. Action Plan for Ecolabelling Programme in India
213. Public Procurement Framework of India and Stocktaking of Sustainable Public Procurement Globally & India
214. Report on ‘Assessment of policy readiness to create green jobs, decent work, and Just Transition in the energy sector (at national level) and textile/garment sector (at state level in Jharkhand State)’
215. Assessment of India’s Green Jobs and Just Transition Policy Readiness
216. Final Framework for the Establishment of a Centre(s) of Excellence on Circularity in India, study report, 2023
217. Final Framework for the Establishment of a Centre(s) of Excellence on Circularity in India, guidance manual, 2023
218. Sustainable Public Procurement Criteria for Waste Management Services in India, draft report 2023
219. Development of Product Ecolabelling Criteria (Comparative Evaluation with International Ecolabels)
220. SPP criteria for cleaning, sanitation and disinfection services in India
221. Green Economy Modelling Work Feeding into Report: Low Carbon development: A paradigm shift towards Green Economy in Indonesia, 2019
222. Indonesia’s Transition to a Green Economy: A Stocktaking Report, 2019
223. Green Economy and Trade (Pre-)Assessment (GITA), 2020
224. Green Economy Learning Needs Assessment, 2020
225. Rapid Assessment on the Green Stimulus Package for National Economic Recovery in the Energy Sector
226. Rapid Assessment on the Green Stimulus Package for National Economic Recovery in the Waste Sector
227. Non-Bank Financing Schemes and Business Model Development for Solar PV Rooftop at School Building in West Java Province
228. Policy Reform to Reduce Food Loss and Waste and Support Low Carbon Development in West Java, Indonesia
229. Modelling and comparing the employment impacts of COVID-19 crisis and recovery policies in Indonesia
230. Green Jobs and Just Transition Policy Readiness Assessment in the Energy Sector in Indonesia, 2023
231. Circular Economy in the Food and Beverage Industry for a Green Recovery – PAGE Indonesia, 2023 – In-Depth Assessment of Green Jobs and Skill Needs
232. Circular Economy Opportunities with the Principles of Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production in the Food and Beverages Sector
233. Waste and CO2 Reduction Potential – Life Cycle Assessment Part 2 and Part 3
234. Inclusive Green Economy Scoping Study for Morocco (French title: Transition du Maroc vers une economie verte, etat des lieux et inventaire)
235. Study (completed in May 2022) on Green Employment Creation and Entrepreneurship in the Organics and Agroecology Sectors in Rabat-Sale-Kenitra region (French: Analyse du potentiel de création d’emplois dans les filières bio et agro-écologique pour une relance verte, dans la région de Rabat-Salé-Kenitra)
236. Green Economy Stocktaking Study 2023
237. Policy Brief on Green jobs and just transition policy readiness assessment
238. Green Recovery Learning Needs Assessment
239. Green Jobs Policy Readiness Assessment, including PAGE Tripartite Consultation for Validation held in November 2022
240. Green jobs and Just Transition policy readiness assessment in the agricultural sector
241. Rwanda Inclusive Green Economy Scoping Study |