- National Green Development Policy (NGDP)
- Sustainable Development Vision 2030 (SDV)
- Action Program of the Government of Mongolia 2016-2020 (Part 4: Environment and Green Development)
- Action Plan for the National Green Development Policy (NGDP)
- Green Development Indicators
- Orkhon Aimag Medium-Term Strategy for Green and Sustainable Development
- Aimag development vision document on SDG, SDV and NGDP incorporation
- Dornogovi Aimag development vision document on SDGs, SDV and NGDP incorporation
- National Policy in the Construction Sector
- Amendment to the Law of Mongolia on Public Procurement, including Sustainable Public Procurement Action Plan
- Action Plan for Education for Sustainable Development
- “Ger and Nature” Scheme
- Renewed Law of Mongolia on Waste Management (May 2017) / Mongolian government approved two allocations to be used for appropriate handling of end-of-life vehicles and processing of used tires
- Four aimag medium-term development strategies
- National Competitiveness and Productivity Policy and Plan
- National Decent Employment Policy
- Guidelines for Green Growth
- National Green Growth Strategy
- National Green Jobs Plan (part of the National Employment Promotion Policy)
- Creation of the Urban Transport Authority by Law
- National Strategy for Teleworking (2015) and National Pact (2017)
- Roadmap on Circular Economy
- National Decent Employment Policy
- Framework Law on Climate Change
- Regional Plans for Youth Employment in Arequipa, Piura, La Libertad, and Cajamarca
- National Mitigation Action on Sustainable Urban Transport (in development)
- Green Industry Policy (in development)
- Plan Senegal Emergent II
- Plan Senegal Emergent
- National Strategic Guidance Document on Green Economy
- Priority Action Plan (PAP 2014-2018)
- Priority Action Plan (PAP 2019-2024)
- National Strategy for Sustainable Development
- Decree on National Platform for Green Economy
- Petroleum Revenue Management Law (under development)
- National Green Growth Strategy for 2016-2021
- National Green Jobs Strategy, part of National Employment Policy (2015-2016)
- Adoption of the Law on the Distribution and Management of Revenue from the Exploitation of Hydrocarbons (2022)
- Shared Growth and Development Agenda II (GSGDA II)
- National Climate Change Policy (NCCP)
- Coordinated Programme of Economic and Social Development Policies 2017-2024, including the Agenda for Jobs: Creating Prosperity and Equal Opportunity for All
- Medium-Term Development Policy Framework (2018-2021)
- National Strategy on Green Jobs to feed into the National Employment Policy (in development)
- National Resource Efficiency Policy and Program (linked to resource efficiency demonstration in steel and palm oil sector) – planned
- Study by MoF to formulate public finance tools and policies – planned
- Three Year Strategic Plan 2017/18-2019/2020
- 2018-2019 National Budget: Pursuing our Transformative Journey
- National programme for 2020-2024: “Toward an Inclusive, High Income and Green Mauritius, Forging ahead Together
- Marshall Plan Against Poverty (Volume 1, Volume 2)
Burkina Faso
- National Programme for Economic and Social Development (PNDES 2016-2020)
- National Strategy for Green Economy and Action Plan
- Action Plan for the National Green Economy Strategy
- National Development Plan for the Period 2021-2025 (PNDES 2)
- TORs to develop an investment plan for the Ministry of Environment
- National Rural Sector Programme II
- Strategy for the Sustainable Management and Export of Non-Timber Forest Products and Action Plan
- National Industrial Strategy and Action Plan
Jiangsu Province, China
South Africa
- Green Economy Accord 2011
- National Development Plan 2030 and Medium-Term Strategic Framework (2014-19)
- National Development Plan further operationalized with Carbon Tax
- National Development Plan further operationalized Low Emission Development Strategy (SA-LEDS) through to 2050
- Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP 2017/18-19/20)
- Master Water Plan from the Department of Water and Sanitation linked to Modelling on Water-Biodiversity Nexus (in development)
- Revision of the “Guideline for the Development of Integrated Waste Management Plans” and associated model by-laws (in process of adoption)
Mato Grosso, Brazil
- Produce, Conserve and Include Strategy
- Participative Municipal Development Master Plans
- Strategic Plan for the Development of Renewable Energy
- State Integrated System of Family Agriculture
- Management Plan for the Historic Centre of Cuiabá-MT
- Mato Grosso State Tourism Policy
- Green Industry Policy (under development)
- Strategy for Green Jobs/Employment
Kyrgyz Republic
- National Sustainable Development Strategy 2013-2017
- National Sustainable Development Strategy 2018-2040 and accompanying five-year Government Programme, Unity, Trust and Creation
- National Green Economy Programme
- Decree to Promote the Image of Kyrgyz Republic as a Country of Green Economy
- Decree “On the Foreign Policy Concept of the Kyrgyz Republic” and an updated Foreign Policy Concept
- National Development Programme 2022-2026
- National Strategy for Green Economy and Climate Change Learning
- New Amendment to Law on Public Procurement (under development)
- National Industrial Resource Efficiency Policy (under development)
- Waste Chapter of GE Development Programme (planned)
- National Development Strategy, Uruguay 2050
- National Strategy towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy (in development)
- National Environmental Plan for Sustainable Development
- National Integrated Waste Management Plan
- National Law on Integrated Waste Management
- National Circular Economy Strategy (under adoption)
- National plan of promotion of employment (under development)
- National Circular Economy Action Plan
- Land-Use Policies for Urban Centres (in development)
- Green Industrial Development Policy (under development)
- Green State Development Strategy: Vision 2040
- Low Carbon Development Strategy
- Budget Speech 2018/19*
- Argentinean Productivity Plan 2030 for Inclusive and Green Transition, including National Green Productive Development Programme
- National Plan for the Promotion of the Circular Economy
- National Plan for the Promotion of Green Employment
- Revision of 2019 Decree on Waste Imports (in development)
- National Green Hydrogen Strategy (planned)
- National Development Strategy 2050
- Strategic Plan for Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025
- Updated Strategic Plan for Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025
- Green Economy Concept
- Doctrine for Carbon Neutrality by 2060 – low Carbon Development Concept transformed into the doctrine
- 5-year National Project “Zhasyl Kazakhstan” (i.e. Green Kazakhstan)
- Carbon Neutrality Strategy (until 2060)
- Revised Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and legislation to support its implementation, specifically regarding promotion on green technologies, Strategic Environmental Assessment, BAT Based Environmental Permissions, Environmental Quality Standards and Waste Management
- Guidelines for conducting strategic and environmental impact assessments (SEA/EIA)
- Pavlodar regional support program for green SMEs from polluters’ payment fund
- Just Transition action plan for a pilot city
- Low Carbon Development Initiative, Phase 1 and 2
- Medium Term National Development Plan RPJMN 2020-2024 –
- Green Recovery Roadmap (2021-2024)
- Regional Low Carbon Development Plan – West Java Province
- National planning document/RPJMN 2025-2029 and long-term national planning document/RPJPN 2025-2045 (planned)
- National action plan/roadmap on circular economy (under development)
- FLW Reduction Strategy in selector pilot province(s) (West Java, Central Java, Bali) (Planned)
- National Strategic Plan 2006-2025
- Industrial policy (planned)
- Environmental Fiscal Strategy
- 13th National Economic and Social Development Plan (NESDP) 2022-2026 adopted in October 2022