- Mongolia’s Transition to a Green Economy: Stocktaking Report
- Mapping of National Development Policies SDV and GDP against the SDGs
- Gender Mainstreaming in Green Development Policy of Mongolia
- Analysis of Institutional Function and Capacity for Implementation of the SDGs and the SDV
- Technical Users Guidelines to T21 Macroeconomic Modelling
- Case of Mongolia on Application of T21 Modelling
- Green Economy Policy Assessment (also in Mongolian)
- Green Jobs Mapping Study of Mongolia
- Green School Building Handbook
- Green Economy Handbook
- Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) Status Report
- Review of the Public Procurement Legal Framework of Mongolia
- Market Study on Green Credit Fund
- Technical Report on Green School Energy Efficiency
- Technical Report on Water Management
- Employment in the Environmental Sector and Green Jobs in Mongolia
- Guidelines for Sustainable Public Procurement
- Industrial Waste Inventory
- Report on the Integration of IGE Concepts into Curricula with the National University of Mongolia
- Report on Developing Sustainable Policy and Processing Capacity for End of Life Vehicles
- National Sustainable Finance Roadmap
- Green Building Design and Planning Handbook
- Technical Study and Policy Brief: Trade and Green Economy in Mongolia
- Concept of Ger and Nature scheme for nomadic tourism in Mongolia, 2021
- Comprehensive study to develop a concept on G&N scheme for nomadic tourism, 2021
- Preliminary assessment of domestic and international market demand, 2021
- Assessment of green jobs opportunities and gaps/barriers in Ger and Nature tourism in Mongolia
- Analysis of decent work standards and gaps in Ger and Nature tourism in Mongolia
- Action plan for the G&N scheme
- Green Economy Stocktaking Report
- Quantitative Analysis of Green Policies in Selected Economic Sectors
- Report on the alignment of budget programmes with the SDGs and NDCs
- Green Industry Assessment
- Towards a Greener and Fairer Economy in Peru: A Trade Union Proposal (with Sustainlabour Foundation)
- Guidelines on Good Practices for Forest Competitiveness
- Study on Competitiveness and Sustainability of Water Management in the Agro-Exportation Sector in the Coastal Region
- Study on the Development of Green Business Models in Urban Transport Services for Peru
- Conceptualization of Green Jobs in Peru
- Systematization of Good Practices Relating to Green Jobs
- Quantitative Analysis of Green Policies in the Manufacturing Sector
- Green Economy Assessment Study
- Green Economy Mapping
- Updated Green Economy Model and Green Economy Assessment Report
- Green Industry Assessment
- Feasibility Study for Green Jobs and Green Economy Incubator
- Study on Funds and Mechanisms for the Management of Oil and Gas Revenues to Support Sustainable Development: Insights from Country Experiences and Lessons for Senegal
- Green Economy Learning Needs Assessment
- National Assessment of Skills for Green Jobs
- Rapid Assessment of the waste management market in Senegal, and follow on Rapid Assessment of the potential of a cooperative approach in waste management in Senegal
- Transition to a Green Economy: a Stocktaking Report
- Manual for Mainstreaming Climate Change, and Green Economy SDGs into the Development Plans of MMDAs
- Green Economy Assessment
- Metadata Framework and Guide for Data Collection (layout undergoing finalization)
- Green Fiscal Policy Scoping Study
- Green Industry and Trade Assessment
- Green Economy Learning Assessment
- Green Finance Study: Baseline Report
- Study on Skills for Green Jobs (layout undergoing finalization)
- Green Economy Assessment
- Fiscal Policy Scoping Study
- Public Environment and Expenditure Review (PEER)
- Fiscal Policy Analysis
- Green Jobs Assessment
- Industrial Waste Assessment
- Green Economy Learning Needs Assessment
- Tracking Public Sector Environment Expenditure (TPSEE) Report
- Tracking Public Sector Environment Expenditure (TPSEE) Training Manual
- Green Recovery Options for the Tourism Sector Report
- Technical study and Toolkit on Fiscal Policy Reforms for Sustainable Agricultural
Burkina Faso
- Green Economy Assessment
- Fiscal Policy Study to Support the Proposal for Environmental Taxation
- Green Industry and Trade Assessment
- Green Economy Learning Needs Assessment
- Strategy and Action Plan on Green Trade and Non-Timber Forest Products
- Study on the impact of artisanal mining on sustainable agriculture in Burkina Faso (layout undergoing finalization)
- Manual for Green Jobs creation (layout undergoing finalization)
South Africa
- Green Economy Inventory
- Discussion paper on the Green Economy in South Africa
- Discussion paper on the National Development Plan
- Green Economy Progress Measurement Framework for South Africa
- Technical Report on COVID-19 Recovery Assessment
- Green Economy Industry and Trade Analysis Report
- Green Economy Learning Assessment
- Discussion paper on Just Transition
- Developing a Biomaterials Industry in South Africa: Action Plan and Implementation Strategy
- Green Technology Gap Assessment
- Analysis of the biomaterial industry’s demand-side dynamics in South Africa (layout undergoing finalization)
- Green Economy Modelling Report of South Africa
Jiangsu Province, China
- Green Economy Stocktaking Report
- 2015-2017 Green Economy Progress Measurement in Jiangsu and Fujian Province, China
- Green Transformation of Industrial Parks in China Jiangsu Province: A Synthesis Report in 2019
- Baseline Assessment and Action Plan of Sustainable Trade and Value Chains in Textile Products in Jiangsu
- Technical Note: Unlocking South-South Trade in Environmental Goods and Services in Jiangsu Province, China
- Measuring the Green Industry Progress of 18 Provinces in China
- Development of Policy Guidance for Identifying Specific Measures for Industrial Symbiosis and Synergy Opportunities in Shanghai Hangzhou Bay Industrial Park (layout undergoing finalization)
Mato Grosso, Brazil
- Stocktaking Exercise
- Guidelines on the standardization and certification of Sustainable Tourism Products
- Methodology and Guide for Implementation of Participative Municipal Development Master Plans
- Assessment of the technical and economic potential for generation and use of renewable energy
- SEIAF Operational Guidelines for monitoring family agriculture and for municipalities
- Cultural heritage and urban analysis of the historic centre of the city of Cuiaba
- Opportunities for Employment and Income Generation based on projections of an Input/Output table of the Economic Profile of Mato Grosso
- Socioeconomic, Productive and Environmental Diagnosis of the Vale do Mangaval Rural Settlement in Cáceres-MT (CAR) (layout undergoing finalization)
- Green Economy Learning Assessment
Kygryz Republic
- Stocktaking Study
- Macroeconomic assessment (with system dynamics modelling) feeding into Green Economy Development Programme
- Green Jobs Skills Assessment
- Green Economy Learning Needs Assessment
- Recommendations on Sustainable Public Procurement
- Sustainable Finance Roadmap
- Green Industry and Trade Assessment
- Investment opportunities for the development of green economy in Kyrgyz Republic
- Green Economy Stocktaking Study
- Analysis of Macroeconomic Models for Environmental Policy Impact Assessment
- Selected Tools to Report Contributions to the SDGs
- Selected Tools for Training on the SDG & 2030 Agenda
- Artisanal brick industry in Uruguay: Scope and characterization
- Consultancy report on addressing tensions between industrial and residential land-use purposes
- Strategic Environmental Assessment for the Wood-Forest-Cellulose Value Chain
- GHG Scenario Analysis on the Forest-Wood-Cellulose Value Chain
- Selected Tools to Measure the Progress of the Circular Economy
- Inventory of policies related to the green economy in Argentina
- Green recovery – Progress in the circular economy towards a just transition in Argentina
- Study on the link between SDG and the just transition to a green economy
- Indicators for the diagnosis of Argentina’s progress in its transition towards a green economy
- New panorama of the green economy in Argentina, inventory of policies and labour diagnosis
- Position Papers: towards a Green Recovery and Just Transition in Argentina (Workers, Employers, Government)
- Labour diagnosis of the just transition towards a green economy in Argentina
- Report on the Fiscal Impact of the execution of the National Circular Economy Plan and Roadmap
- Towards an Indicator System of Green Jobs in Argentina
- Green Economy Stocktaking Study
- Fiscal Incentives for Low Carbon Development for the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Second phase of Socio-Economic Impact Assessment (SEIA) of COVID-19 in Kazakhstan
- Fiscal Policy Analysis of Energy, Housing and Public Utilities (HPU) Sectors
- Assessment of Status and Legal Frameworks of Sustainable Public Procurement in the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Roadmap for the Introduction and Development of Environmental Impact Assessment and Transboundary Impact Assessment Mechanisms
- Analysis of the experience of countries of the OECD and some other countries in applying EIA
- Analysis of Infrastructure for transition to Environmental Standards
- Narrative Report on Waste Sector Modelling (conducted for Waste Management Programme, will now feed into National Green Project)
- Context analysis for the redirection of emission payments on regional level
- Green economy modelling work feeding into the Report: Low Carbon development: A paradigm shift towards Green Economy in Indonesia
- Green Economy Stocktaking Study
- Green Industry and Trade Assessment
- Green Economy Learning Assessment
- Rapid Assessment on the Green Stimulus Package for National Economic Recovery in the Energy Sector
- Rapid Assessment on the Green Stimulus Package for National Economic Recovery in the Waste Sector
- UNEP’s Enabling Environment Assessment on Green Finance in West Java Province
- Policy Reform to Reduce Food Loss and Waste and Support Low Carbon Development in West Java, Indonesia
- Green Economy Stocktaking Study
- Inclusive and Green Transformation of Manufacturing Sector in India