
Table of Contents
PAGE in Mauritius
Mauritius has transformed into an upper middle-income diversified economy, benefitting from dynamic industrial and financial sectors and high levels of human development. Yet, coastal ecosystems are under threat and income inequality, unemployment and global competitiveness remain a concern. With an economy highly dependent on tourism and imports, in 2020, Mauritius was hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic and associated lockdown. As a small island developing state, Mauritius is also on the front line of climate change. In September 2022, Mauritius celebrated eight years of partnership in the country after joining PAGE in 2014. It is now a Graduating Country.

- 2023
PAGE and partners led a workshop to validate a series of reports; including the Skills Roadmap for a Green Economy supported by PAGE, the feasibility study for the establishment of a Vocational and Research Campus for Blue Economy Jobs supported by the Joint SDG Fund Project and the Rapid Skills Needs Assessment on marine-based renewable energy. Additionally, the event discussed the development of training modules through ITC-ILO on decent work and sustainable entrepreneurship in the blue economy.
- 2022
Transition ceremony. Mauritius becomes an Alumni country.
- 2021
Ceremony to officially launch Green Recovery activities in Mauritius
Establishment of a National Steering Committee (NSC)
Launch of Operation COSHARE (COVID-19 Occupational Health and Safety and Resource Efficiency)
- 2020
National Programme 2020-2024 “Toward an Inclusive, High Income and Green Mauritius, Forging Ahead Together” launched
Capacity-building workshops led by Civil Service College Mauritius (CSCM) on mainstreaming IGE principles into civil servant training and secondary school curricula
SCORE training of trainers completed, with trainers at National Productivity and Competitiveness Council (NPCC)
Presentation on fiscal reform for sustainable food systems and agriculture
- 2019
Mauritius entered final year of PAGE, developing sustainability strategy
National green jobs model updated to account for green jobs impacts of the country’s NDCs
Mauritius recognised PAGE as contributing to achievements in the Voluntary National Review of SDGs
- 2018
The week-long Green Economy Forum mobilised key stakeholders around policymaking and investments
The Government’s 2018-2019 budget speech emphasised economic strategies in line with PAGE recommendations
Green Economy Learning Needs Assessment completed
- 2017
The Government of Mauritius articulates the countries vision and three Year Strategic Plan 2017-2020
Social Register built for families, following PAGE supported proposal for Marshall Plan
Project to track public sector expenditure allocated towards the environment and climate change launched
Two-day train-the-trainer on designing and delivering green economy e-learning held
- 2016
Marshall Plan Against Poverty launched, with PAGE support to its development
Industrial Waste Assessment (IWA) completed
- 2015
Green Economy Assessment of six economic sectors completed
- 2014
Mauritius joins PAGE
Mauritius Fiscal Policy Scoping Study completed
Mauritius News & Events
Sustainable Development
PAGE has supported the achievement of the country’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and several SDGs, including SDGs 1 (No Poverty), 4 (Quality Education), 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), 13 (Climate Action) and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). Mauritius has also directly recognised PAGE as contributing to their achievements in the Voluntary National Review (VNR) of its SDGs during the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF).